VIDEOS: Carl Paladino Speaks To Jewish Supporters

NYS Gubernatorial Republican candidate Carl Paladino recently visited Brooklyn, and addressed a group of Orthodox Jewish supporters. He first give some history about himself, and then discusses and promises support for some issues which concern many Jewish voters.


The second video is Carl Paladino being introduced by Rabbi Yehuda levin to a crowd of Jewish supporters.

17 Responses

  1. He hit a home run:

    1. supports vouchers and tax credits for yeshivas
    2. will veto all Toeva legislation
    3. will reinstate kashrus enforcement bureau

    Thank G-D, there is a candidate who shares our values in this election.

  2. Why can’t people have respect whether you believe in his positions or not and turn off their phones or and least the sound?

  3. He grounded out….

    1- He wants all Welfare and Medicaid recipients to work.. How does that go over in BP, Willie, KJ, etc…??
    2 – He’s against ALL forms of abortion.. Halacha does not go nearly that far. In cases of danger to the mother’s life.. he’d let the mother die.
    3 – His out-and-out hate for Shelly Silver – who one can agree or disagree with, but has come through with millions of $$ for Frum organizations – is crude and childish.

  4. to Chaim Yankel:

    His “hate” for Shelley Silver is well-founded, based on Shelly’s support for Toeva marriage, abortion of all babies, for any reason, opposition to vouchers for parochial schools, and a dictatorial style of leadership that does not allow anyone to bring up legislation that he personally opposes.

    His dollars for yeshivos are a poor, poor substitute for vouchers that would allow suffering parents to finally be treated like mentschen in paying tuition bills, just like the goyim around them who pay zilch.

    Paladino would allow an abortion when the mother’s life was threatened.

  5. Of course any Republican is better for the prospects of our children succeeding in business or getting good job with a future.
    But Yidden tend to follow the guidance of community leaders and activists, whose children might be more interested in Gov’t hand-outs then a successful career.

  6. Levin tried to get us to vote for Patrick Buchanan HaRasha. He will have just as much success in getting us to vote for Paladino.

  7. He is a scary sick individual. Aligning himself now with our own Taliban Sam (Levin) is the final straw. No self-respecting, Torah-abiding yid should even consider casting a vote for this radicalized misanthrope.

  8. The problem with Paladino is not his positions. It is his behaviour, which also means he won’t be able to govern, get his agenda passed through the legislator, or lobby for federal funds etc.
    As for Yehudah Levin, his support is utterly meaningless. A guy who had the gall to support Pat Buchanan who defended any nazi he could and even his political pal Bill Buckley characterised as having an anti-semitic bent, does not deserve our recognition at all.

  9. Deepthinker.. He would NOT allow abortion when the mother’s life is in danger.
    From his website — “At its core, abortion is a fundamental assault on the sanctity of innocent human life – especially the abhorrent practice of partial birth abortion” – He would let the mother die…

    Vouchers? He may like them.. support them.. but he can not fund them. He says he’s cutting state spending by 10% or more.. Where will the budget come from for vouchers?? Talk is cheap.. He can not, and will not give you vouchers for Yeshiva tuition.

  10. TO Chaim Yankel (NO. 11):

    You didn’t make your case.

    1. His website doesn’t discuss the issues in detail. All he is saying there is that he doesn’t support the wholesale killing of babies. 99% of abortions are just plain murder, according to Rav Moses Feinstein, ZT”L.The extremely rare exceptions are not discussed on a general interest website.

    2. Voucher programs in Milwaukee and Washington D.C. have demonstrated that school budgets can be cut, while schools are improved. The vouchers will REPLACE the fat, bloated $14,000 per student expense of the current government school system, with its expensive, incompetent teacher’s unions.

  11. deepthinker,

    You clearly have it out for teachers unions, but you don’t realize that the biggest beneficiaries of vouchers in New York State would be the mostly unionized staff and faculty of the Catholic schools.

    In any case, a $14,000 voucher won’t come close to the cost of the best Jewish high schools. Vouchers mean huge tax increases.

  12. deepthinker,

    On his web site Paladino specifically endorses the Catholic position — which is that the mother dies rather than having an abortion. That is not consistent with Jewish values.

  13. I as A canidiate Support Paladino, I am running for New york state senate 27th district. I am for School voucher, and against the Gay marriage bills, and proposal. I hope you Elect me Avrahom Rosenberg as State Senator this Nov 2

  14. 14,
    Don’t be a Na’ar, his web site reflects only his PERSONAL belief in the cristian values, but he cannot support a lgislation that the mother dies rather than having an abortion.

  15. Charlie Hall you are so off just because he’s personally a catholic has nothing to do with supporting legislation against it even if the mothers gonna die. And by the way about taxes for school vouchers, you in support of all tax increases your a good twisted elite liberal who lives in Manhattan together with Shelly silver, (you just live high up then him)
    You liberals are sick full of sheker time to vote all them out of office.

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