PHOTOS & VIDEOS: Lipa & Dedi – United Hatzalah Sukkos Concert 5771

It was a full house at the Jerusalem Theater on leil Hoshana Rabbah as close to a thousand people attended the annual United Hatzalah Chol HaMoed concert. The stars of the show this year were Jewish music classic Dedi Graucher and pop star Lipa Schmeltzer, who together delivered an outstanding performance.

Click HERE for photos.

Credits: Yitzchok Russek / Kuvien Images

One Response

  1. WOW!!!! what a great way to prepare for the Yom Hadin and G’mar Hachatimah!!!!!!

    some stay up and learn all night, some go to Shiurim all night, some even sleep and then 1000 go to a pop concert.

    Shaar Haneginah IS nest to Shaar Hodemaot so i guess it is an appropiate thing to do.

    thank you YWN for bringing us this story.

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