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It is exactly nine years ago when that moment in history changed the world for ever. Of course, when it happened, many of us knew we’d never forget that day. Yet time dulls even the most painful memories. And this year, nine years after the attacks, the commemoration which takes place at Ground Zero begins to feel like a sad tradition – like the beginning of history. It also marks the second year that 9/11 will be recognized as a National Day of Service and Remembrance, an act signed into legislation by President Obama in April 2009.

AUDIO LINK: Click HERE to listen to the frightening radio transmissions of frantic Hatzolah members screaming for help as the World Trade Center collapsed on-top of them. Besides for a few non-life-threatening injuries not one of the hundreds of members at the scene was killed. Fast forward to 8:00 to hear the collapse of the first tower. The most frightening moment is at 12:20 – when a member tells the dispatcher “tell my wife at least I said Shema.”

VIDEO LINK: Click HERE to see the terror at the WTC filmed by a family at home a few blocks away on the 36th floor. The film has not been edited, and shows the second plane hitting the tower as well as both collapses.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

One Response

  1. It is too bad that far too many people have forgotten what happened in the USA on 9/11. Just sit and think how much our lives have changed due to the actions of the muslims yemach sh’mom v’zichrom. Anyone who says their life hasn’t changed is lying.

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