VIDEO & PHOTOS: Thousands Gather In Kikar Shabbos For Unique Early-Morning Protest Against Chillul Kevarim

Around 10,000 Charedim protested Tuesday morning at dawn in Kikar Shabbos in Jerusalem against the continued desecration of graves in Jaffa. Thousands of participants were wrapped in their talleisim for the Hafganah, and many leading Rabbonim attended.

As with previous demonstrations, protesters denounced the Electra company, a construction and real-estate giant that had been involved with the construction of a hotel in Jaffa which is on an old archeology site.

Electra executives released a statement in June denying that their company is still involved in the project, but a boycott campaign and series of demonstrations against them show no signs of letting up.

Fake advertisements handed out at the protest advertised “Graves for Sale–Only 1,000 Shekel!”

Police said the crowd dispersed peacefully and there were no arrests.

All Credits: Refael Ovadia / Kuvien Images – Click HERE to see the photos.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, their concern for the living is not quite at the same level, as they disturbed many people’s sleep at 5 AM with loudspeakers. Real Gezel Sheina.

  2. Despite the behavior of some of these protesters in other demonstrations, I have to admire the fact that 10,000 gathered to protest the desecration of Kevarim.

    I wish we could get 10,000 to protest the murder of the four Kedoshim HY”D from Chevron. I wish ordinary, frum Yidden had enough influence to change Israeli policy on appeasement, conciliation, & concessions.

  3. kiddus hashem!

    where are all the posters who relentlessly condem the chareidim?
    where is the support and admiration to the fact, that 10,000 chareidim protested and there was ZERO hooliganisim and ZERO arrests.

  4. Bestbubby is right.. just like we care about kavod hameis.. We should be out there protesting the peace talks because those “peace partners” are out to kill us..

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