VIDEO & PHOTOS: Mayor Bloomberg Addresses Camp Simcha As They Begin ‘Children’s March of Hope’ Across Brooklyn Bridge

An international delegation of 100 children and teenagers with cancer marched across the Brooklyn Bridge on Wednesday afternoon, in a demonstration of hope and life.

The children are part Camp Simcha, which offers free, two-week vacations to pediatric cancer patients from North and South America, Europe, and Israel. The camp is located in Glen Spey, New York: campers were in New York City for the day, participating in a whirlwind trip through the city that included a scenic boat trip and a stop at the off-Broadway hit Stomp.

The camp is a project of Chai Lifeline, an international organization that provides a network of emotional and social support services to seriously ill children, their families, and communities.

The march began at the Brooklyn side of the bridge, next to the Federal Court Building in Brooklyn. It ended at the Manhattan side, Park Row and Centre Street, across from City Hall Park.

Mayor Bloomberg addressed the children just before they began their march in Brooklyn.

“Life can be a struggle at times, but that struggle is made bearable and even bright by fellowship and faith,” Mayor Bloomberg said.

The Mayor praised the spirit of the campers and dedication of camp staff who volunteer their summer vacations and untold hours during the year to brighten the spirits of sick children. The entire Camp Simcha staff joined the children as they walked across the bridge and released balloons symbolizing their dreams and hopes for the future.

The campers were joined by Rabbi Simcha Scholar, executive vice president of Chai Lifeline, who said: “We are indeed fortunate to have the support of the Mayor and many other New Yorkers who have welcomed the children to the city and given them a time they will always remember.”

For the campers, the chance to experience New York with 250 of their BFFs (best friends forever) is a never-to-be-forgotten experience. “When we crossed the Brooklyn Bridge, all of us together, we showed that we are not helpless cancer patients. We are strong, and we will get through this,” a camper declared.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos taken by Hillel Engel for YWN.


Just last month, Camp Simcha boys, ended their trip to NYC with a 30 minute performance in the bleacher/promenade area in Times Square. Below, are the two YWN videos of that incredible evening!

Since 1987, Chai Lifeline’s mission has been to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed.

Through programs that address the emotional, social, and financial needs of seriously ill children, their families, and communities, Chai Lifeline restores normalcy to family life, and better enables families to withstand the crises and challenges of serious pediatric illness.
ABOUT CAMP SIMCHA: Each summer, 430 seriously ill children are treated to unforgettable, medically supervised overnight camp experiences at Camp Simcha, for children battling cancer and other hematologic illnesses, and Camp Simcha Special, for children with debilitating chronic conditions.
THE CAMP: There is a place nestled in the beautiful hills of rural New York, where children and teens come to experience the wonders of summer camp in spite of being seriously ill with cancer or other debilitating chronic conditions – all tuition free. Even transportation to and from camp is provided by the sponsoring parent organization, Chai LifeLine. The medical accommodations and staff are amazing and include highly specialized doctors, nurses, therapists, and paramedics, all of whom donate their valuable time to this special place in behalf of the campers. Camp Simcha is a camp for children with cancer, a project of Chai Lifeline, Inc. an international 501(c)3 not-for-profit.
For more information please visit and also

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. I was coming out of the subway at City Hall when I saw the camp coming off the Brooklyn Bridge… I never imagined that children with cancer can smile and laugh the way they did!!! Camp Simcha you guys are truly AMAZING!

  2. SO beautiful whenever i watch a video of camp simcha I JUST CRY!

    so sad that people fight with family members when they are bh healthy

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