VIDEO: Lone Survivor Of Horrific Train/Minivan Crash Gives Interview To Media

“Please continue to daven for me….my name is Dovid Tzvi ben Bat Sheva”.

Those are the final words in this 6 minute video clip, sure to bring one to tears.

Dovid Gutshtein lost his pregnant wife, his son, father in law, mother in law, two brother in laws and one sister in law in last weeks tragic accident, when the minivan he was in was struck by a train in Kiryat Gat.

Dovid Gutshtein and the driver on the minivan were the only survivors.

2 Responses

  1. May Hashem send him a speedy recovery. It is absolutley amazing to see that such a amazing person can be around in our days, such emunah, and bitochon.

  2. i didn’t have the heart to read or watch, but storngly disagree with the publishing of such an article most people are in no way personally attached to this tragedy and there only of interest to read or watch about it was because of the sensational shock value. A phenomenon that’s similar,but more crass than ambulance gapers (the people who stand around and watch as hatzlah drags a neighbor into the ambulance). It is totally unfitting of a frum newspaper whose standards meet those of an am kodesh to encourage condone and partake in such low behavior i am sure it was a slip but i am asking for a little more sensitivity. There is a real person and family suffering a terrible loss that don’t need to be a public spectacle more than they already are. I realize that as a news site tragedy’s are also reported but please report and move on don’t relish the gore and look for some bloody pics to smear on to satisfy the ambulance gapers lust. May we only have to report besuros tovoas

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