VIDEO & PHOTOS: Ma’aras HaMachpela Open to Yidden

On Yom Kippur Katan / Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, thousands of people had the zechus of davening by the kevarim of the avos Hakedoshim – as the entire Ma’aras HaMachpela in Chevron was opened to yidden.

Click HERE to see photos by David Wilder via Kuvien Images.

(Feivel Katz – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. I had the tremendous zchus of being one of the thousands there. It was incredible. To go into the sacred rooms where our Avos & Imaos rest is truly indescribable. And this year I was fortunate to be able to reach the spot where, if we could see so far down, Gan Eden itself lies. It was an overwhelming and emotional experience. Thanks to Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum for another incredible tour of Kever Rachel & Chevron (including, of course, Ma’aras Hamachpela.)

    So many Jews all davenning, crying, beseeching G-d to send us Moshiach…and still we wait.

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