VIDEO & PHOTOS: NYS Thruway Shutdown After Camp Bus Fire [UPDATED 2:40PM]

12:10PM EST: (Updates, photos & video below) The NYS Thruway is shutdown heading northbound (towards the Catskills) following a coach-bus fire, YWN has learned.

The fire was on a Monsey Trails bus loaded with children heading to Camp Munk in Sullivan County. The incident is on the Thruway near Mile-Marker 41.3 between Exits 15 & 16.

Everyone is safely off the bus, and is Boruch Hashem ok.

Rabbi Abe Friedman the NYST Chaplain, and Misaskim were contacted by the bus company immediately after the incident, and tell YWN that a second bus has already been dispatched to the scene to transfer the children.

Please use alternate routes to the Catskills at this time.

(Use the Palisades Parkway and take Route 6, or you can take the “Old Route 17” as an alternate route).

UPDATE 12:57PM EST: At this time traffic is backed up for 5 miles, and only 1 lane is open heading north-bound.

UPDATE 1:27PM EST: Two lanes have been opened at this time.

UPDATE 1:40PM EST: Click HERE for photos, and click HERE to view video from mobile devices only.

UPDATE 2:40PM EST: All lanes have been reopened. Traffic is slowly easing up.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN BBRY Group 3)

28 Responses

  1. #1

    Oh no! They should have risked going up in flames along with the bus on behalf of their teffilin (*eyes rolling + heavy sarcasm*)!

  2. Does anyone know from where this bus left? Camp Munk had several different pick-ups, Monsey, Queens, Brooklyn, Five Towns, etc?

  3. Just commenting that the bus is FULL of tfilin!! (My son’s included) the boys BH are all safe!! Hope Missaskim can salvage them..

  4. Old Route 17 has traffic lights every 15 feet.

    Feivy, What’s so funny? The Mishna Berura says that if while Davening Shmone Esrei a Sefer falls on the floor you shouldn’t be Mafsik to pick it up unless it bothers you enough to ruin your Kavanna. You wouldn’t have that problem.

  5. Oh no!
    This is just the beginning of the summer.
    Let’s all accept something to better ourselves and work on it.
    Women especially remember the laws of tznius apply wherever you are and be careful not to be nichshol any person by having to look at you even unintentionally.
    If you have a maid/nanny supply her with some clothing that conform to our standards.
    Men too should be aware of hilchos tznius and not be tempted to something against the Torah while the wives are in the country.
    Hope the boys get their tefillon all intact.
    Let us all have a healthy summer and no from no more tzar.

  6. BH that the boys are safe. Speaking of tzius, a la Lia, it looks like many of us are “losing it.” So many women & girls are wearing tight tops, tight skirts, skirts too short regardless of which Rav would be asked, etc. I’m sure people will ask “where is it written” that clothes can’t be tight & clinging? One answer is kedoshim tiyu.

    If you can have an honest talk with your husband, ask him if he finds it enticing to see the “frum” women with the tight clothes. or ask your brother.

    Ask yourself would you be surprised if your Rav’s wife would wear such clinging clothes. Would you think it’s a little irreverant? If the answer is yes, then think to yourself we women are all in the category of bas melech. Halacha & Judaism don’t make a distinction between tznius for a rebbetzen & tznius for everyone else.

    We should be a light to the nations, a light in our refinement, not trendsetters, especially these trends.

  7. to LIA
    y do you immediately go to tzinus. Can’t you leave the nashim tzidkonios out of this. Maybe its guys who need some tznius lectures. leave us ladies alone!!

  8. Mar says:
    June 24, 2010 at 1:18 pm
    When will the haimshe bus companies start maintaining and cleaning their buses?
    as a disclaimer i do not own stock in Monsey Trails , however i just happen to see there buses everyday in Brooklyn , n.y.

  9. To Mar (comment 8).
    Two points, I have been on Monsey trails quite a few times. Their buses are well maintained and clean. After a full day of trips, they may be dirty, but my experience has been that they are cleaned regularly.
    And, if you know cam p Munk, you would know that they would not use anything other then a very respected bus company, which Monsey Trails is. They do tons of charter runs mostly not for the Heimishe oilam.

    I do not work for and am not related to an owner of Monsey Trails. Rather, I am apppreciative of their services that I have enjoyed over the years and I do not like when false aspersions are cast against A) a reputable company B) jews at large. The commentor sounds like one of the commentors on LOHUD, so quick to malign jews.

  10. YWN Editor, you should ban #6 Lia from ever posting anything on your website. Her mind set is holding back the Geualh. Chasdei Hashem everyone is well.
    Kol tuv

  11. Let’s all stop for a moment and thank hashem that no one got hurt or ….. and let’s all be michazik ourselfs on what we need to u know what is and we should all be zoche for moshiach

  12. #15, I fail to understand what #6 said that was so wrong wrong that he/she should be banned from this website. Please explain.

  13. 15 I also agree with #17. Tzinus is a protection for Klal Yisrael. Why should it bother you so much? If it helps Klal Yisrael, is it wrong? Just say B”H, no one was hurt and maybe, because the women are Tzinus, the boys WERE protected because of it and the bus was the Kaporah. If anything Comment #8 maybe L’H, because it is saying something negative about Heimish bus companies. I have been on one of the buses last year to make sure my son was okay and the bus was pretty clean.

  14. 19 and 17 This is not a mussar movement, how can you think or decide what happened was because of your uneducated guesswork, mussar and negativity is not whats needed. Shvach V’hodoh is what everyone feels. Take your thoughts to youtube.
    Kol tuv

  15. Mussar Movement?? and I said maybe, because of course I don’t know the creator’s decisions, because all He does is for our benefit. But Tzius is tried and true segulah for protection, and if doesn’t bother you and you don’t feel Klal Yisrael can use all the extra protection of women keeping Tzinus properly, then that’s your issue. I only said something that would benefit Klal Yisrael, especially in these troubled times. When having tragdies and difficulties in our community, one of our Rabbonim asked a gadol, what can the community do and was told strengthen the Klal’s observence of Tznius. We have had a few gatherings for L’Refuah Shlemia for some people. After one of the gatherings, we were told one of those whose zechus the gatherings was for,was able to come home. Do you consider that a coincindence Mowshe??

  16. To hds and moshe

    Sorry but it is obovious that you people live in seclusion and don’t see the real world.
    You don’t know me and i don’t know you.
    But with so much happening we look to what is obvious.
    Just coming back from Eretz Yisroel we met with very chashuva people while sitting shiva. When we noted that some women didn’t adhere to tznius halachos we were openly told that it was a yerusha from America.
    You can ban me from the website if you take care of all the women walking around with skirts/dresses above the knees,wearing leggings under their skirts and married women with too much hair exposed.

  17. To #8 -Mar

    We do not need more negative comments about Acheinu B’nei Yisroel.

    I ride Monsey Trails daily and I can attest that their busses are well maintained and clean.

    What I heard was that this was caused by a tire blow-out which caused the back of the bus to hit the roadway creating sparks…

    Before you know the facts…keep quiet.

  18. 1. LIA – Be blessed. May you be granted much siyata diShmaya and hatzlachah in your efforts to increase everyone’s awareness about this very great issue which is clearly the source of many nisyonos today.
    2. Humans are capable being grateful that nobody was hurt AND of making a cheshbon haNefesh.
    3. Perhaps everyone’s anger at the tzniyus comments comes from the fact that we KNOW the critics are right!

  19. i have no opinions on this matter accept for one, which it seems that many people (not all) who posted here seem to have forgotten. Baruch Hashem the boys are safe and every single one of them came away without a scratch. the way that bus looks in the video, if chas v’shalom the boys had been on the bus, it seems like the damages could have been much worse. b’chasdei Hashem no one was hurt.
    but lets not think about why this happened or the reason it had to happen this way, lets think about our reaction to it, specifically some of the posts on this site. what i have noticed from reading the comments on yeshivaworld, not only on this article, but on other articles also (check them, you’ll see what im talking about), is that the usual outcome of the comments is either an argument or a strongly worded opposition to one or more of the comments between the people who are posting about that particular story. theres simply no reason for it. people have different opinions, and theres nothing wrong with that, there is not one person in the world that everyone gets along with and everyone likes, no ones perfect. so why the need to make fun of and put down other people? why add to the boiling pot of sinas chinum, especially in such a public place like the internet? are all these arguments really necessary?

  20. i have no doubt that there will be opposition to my post, all posts have opposition so why should mine be an exception. i can only imagine what type of defense i have waiting for me. i am asking you not to comment if you feel offended, i dont want to be responsible for starting an internet fight in shomayim. in my opinion, the logic behind all these arguments is “you dont know me and i dont know you, so who cares what i say”, but we’re all part of Am Yisroel, and we all have the mitzvah to watch our speech, so lets start now. Elul is only 2 months away, when people are asking their peers for forgiveness, im sure no one is going onto yeshivaworld and checking who they argued with, or spoke bad about and trying to get in touch with them to ask them mechila. just please, keep negative comments to yourself, and in that zechus bring Moshiach and the Geula that Klal Yisroel so desparately need.

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