VIDEOS: Thousands Gather For Rubashkin Unity Event In Boro Park

Additional videos in extended article 

4 Responses

  1. We believe that “kol man deavid rachmana letav avid”, everything Hashem does is for the best.

    One possible positive outcome of this tragedy is the beautiful achdus that has resulted. When else has Aguda partnered with Chabad, and Jews of all stripes rallied together for a common cause. This has certainly served to break the barriers between the different circles. Let’s hope those barriers remain lowered.

  2. please correct me if i am wrong, but doesnt that quote mean that one who has rachmanus, it will be good for him? i dont see the connection between that and gam zu ltova.

  3. Yes the Achdus between all the frummer Yidden is a wonderful thing.
    May our united tefilos bring about the Yeshua to Reb Sholom Modechai and Moshiach’s arrival to Klal Yisroel

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