VIDEO: Recent Hafganah Footage Over Kevarim

The video shows police giving protesters 5 minutes to leave quietly from the area. The refuse, and get arrested. We leave the reader to make their own judgements regarding the actions of the police, and the actions of the protesters.

21 Responses

  1. The title of the video is correct. Where are the protests against these uniformed thugs? Now civilian protests are illegal. Sounds like they’ve picked up the same habits as the authorities in Tienanmen Square circa 1989. How do such jackbooted criminals get to wear a uniform in a so-called democracy? Last time we saw such thuggery against innocent civilians we were living in Eastern Europe.

  2. It saddens me to think that being a good yid means resisting arrest! The Israeli Police force’s slogan should be “dina d’malchuta, dina”

  3. I don’t get it. Where was the police brutality that the title of the video claimed? Did they club anyone? Was anyone bleeding? All I saw was several arrests of people who were resisting arrest and therefore they needed to use more force. There were two old men that were walked to a police car w/o force or even handcuffs.

    Let’s be honest.

  4. common sense – I don’t understand you. They weren’t arresting everybody, just those that crossed the picketing barriers. It is normal in every civilized country to arrest civilians that cross the picketing line. I think you are being influenced by the title and preconceived notions.

  5. 1. These people (the ones dressed up as frum jews even though it’s not purim) are NK folks.
    2. What do you expect the cops to do? These idiots were resisting arrest. It’s a two way street you mess with the cops (calling them Nazis etc…) then they will have to use force to put you down. If you do not like it then don’t resist. That simple.

  6. what do you want the police to do already? they have a job to keep ppl from stopping the excavations (and no i am not saying i agree with it but it is what it is) . These are not innocent ppl verbally protesting- they are ppl who are threatening to burn down the city and fill the jails (meaining they are not afraid of the police).
    as much as a i am a frum person, i cant condone what these ppl do and side with them just because they are frum.
    Second, i did not see exceptional violence from the police. i saw a police keep trying to give the man his hat even while the guy was spitting and screaming at them. i dont think this video shows anything discrimninatory worse than they would be with other criminals.

  7. What I saw was a tremendous chillul Hash-m. Kol hakavod to the police for what seemed to be resisting the obvious temptation to brutally beat some of these arrogant menaces to society. In America they would have been tazed.

  8. If frum people feel so oppressed by the police and army in the State of Israel, why don’t they complain to the UN, the Red Cross, Amnesty International and the US State Department? Why don’t they go to the Court in the Hague? And why don’t they seek foreign intervention to help them? Or try to get out of there?!

  9. The so-called kanoyim are trying to correct the medinah outside of the Knesset while the Agudah tries to correct it within the Knesset. This is not anti-Zionism at all. Anyone can do it, in Greece, in Thailand, in Iran – wherever people want to correct policies of their government!!

  10. dbjaqy – dina d’malchuta, dina ONLY and i mean ONLY applies when your not violating the torah law in following civil law. only.

  11. shame on you YWN,this you call brutality?,these criminaly insane savages are treated and handled with kid gloves,i just hope and wish that the police would finally start cracking some heads,and throw the book at these gangsters and lock them up for a long time.these savages dressed up as frum jews,give yidishkeit a black eye,
    these riots remind me of the 1960’s riots here in the U.S
    when the minorities in the ghetto’s rioted,looted and burned down their own neighborhoods,and the reason for both of those riots was exactly the same,BOREDOM,and self loathing,these gangsters in jerusalem our going out of their minds from absolute boredom,they don’t work,don’t learn,are not productive citizens,they are disgusted with themselves and the whole world around them,and therefore they burn down their own neighborhoods

    Moderators Note: Where did YWN call this brutality exactly?

  12. Wait a second. Weren’t the kevarim already moved? What do these people hope to accomplish?

    #3 – The title of the video is from youtube, not YWN.

    While the police were right in what they did, I think it is slightly ridiculous to say that “they were handled with kids gloves” or that “the Israeli police treated these demonstrators with the utmost respect”.

  13. There is absolutely no police brutality here.

    The demonstrators used Gandhi’s method of civil disobedience of purposely having themselves arrested to strongly make their point.

    The police – doing their job – obliged.

    Everyone followed the script.

    What police brutality ??????

  14. mw13 – Yes, you are right. It was never my intention to blame YWN for the bad title of the video. I apologize to YWN if it appeared that way.

  15. Moderators Note: Where did YWN call this brutality exactly?
    look at the heading of the video.
    Israeli police brutality against religious jews.
    of course i realize it was not your quote,but a quote by some jew hater who posted the video on you tube,but by you posting in on YWN,without refuting it,you are an accomplice to this antisemitism

  16. It should also be noted that these demonstrators were supposed to stay behind the fence, this way the police could have better control of situation. The ones in the video that were arrested broke out of the fenced area and then violently resisted the police, being arrested and so on. (which I don’t quite understand because that what it seems that those demonstrators wanted.) The police dealing with this situation as such, were extremely courteous, In fact they kept putting one of the guys hat’s on his head even though he was deliberating shaking it off! I’m not quite sure what the 2 old men were doing, they seemed quite senile, but the police were extremely nice to them also. I feel that the police made a real Kiddush Hashem, and it makes me proud to be a Jew!

  17. When a Jew calls another Jew a Nazi, you somehow don’t care that they’re getting beaten up, and in this case, they are not even getting beaten up. Perhaps, they should teach Holocaust as a subject in these NK schools.

  18. how does e/o KNOW they’re nk, did it say that somewhere or did i just miss it.

    they don’t complain b/c where in the world would that get them?

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