WATCH: All 7 Neturei Karta Losers Led By Achmed Weiss Of Monsey Burn Israeli Flag On Purim Morning

17 Responses

  1. Their leader claimed that the Zionists are the descendants of Amalek! They even have trouble burning a flag which their spokesman claims is done all over the world on Purim.

  2. It’s no wonder there’s a rise in anti-antisemitism; when Jews publicly show their hate for their fellow Jews, what can we expect from the Goyim? This display is a sham and a huge Chilul Hashem! It would not be surprising to find the goyim setting afire beards, may it only affect these mishigoyim. But we cannot be sure it’ll only be them, thus something should be done to stop these public displays of hate from one Jew to another, rather than give it public attention. We need activists to stop this narishkeit!

  3. They are no different then the kapos
    In the camp
    Sorry the kappas where trying to stay alive those animals are going to get some one killed They make anti
    Semitism acceptable

  4. *** The Honest Truth ***
    However much a disagree with NK, this time however, Kabeyl Emmes Mimee She’Omroh! … but many of us feel that we would of liked to do the same!
    The Hate from the State Of Israel towards Chareidi Jews, especially Bnei Torah, the treatment they get, the lack of funds, etc etc. is evil and wicked.
    What values does this flag represent nowadays?
    I know .. The Truth Hurts, and it hurts me too.

  5. The state of Israel is just like any other state in the world, and these people are not more losers than you are and stop saying chilul hashem all the time , the state of Israel which unfortunately according to a lot of people represent the Jewish people does much bigger Hillul Hashem by not going according to the torah

  6. Regarding certain kanoiyim in Yerushalayim many decades ago, the Chazon Ish wrote (paraphrasing the Kuzari)
    “כוונתם רצויה, אבל מעשיהם אינם רצויים”
    These characters are doing the same as their counterparts on the other end of the religious spectrum. Either they think they don’t have to consult Da’as Torah; or they think that they are Da’ak Torah. Both possibilities are wrong.

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