WATCH: Mark Levin On Why Obama May Have Been Spying On Trump

9 Responses

  1. Why Obama is spying on President Trump? Common sense! This vile monster Obama who was elected mostly by fraud (like Hillary) (according to Wikileaks, I believe) is the first President in America’s history to behave like a madman after leaving office. This maniac is so jealous of President Trump’s accomplishments and so resentful of Trump’s crushing his legacy of idiocy, that he’s literally going mad.

    How much longer will America’s illegal Muslim ex-President linger on near or in the White House TO TERRORIZE AMERICA’S GREATEST PRESIDENT? President Trump should send him back to his birth country or at least have him arrested for treason and bullying.

  2. #1 RT, it seems you don’t even listen/read fakestream media and just babbling nonsense over and over again like a moron. Since you don’t want to listen/read Real News here’s a quote from your NY Times: INTELLIGENCE REPORT BASED ON SOME OF THE WIRETAPPED COMMUNICATIONS HAD BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WHITE HOUSE.

  3. Now now Arye,

    You shouldn’t get so upset!

    Liberalism is a progressive mental disease where reality becomes fiction and vice versa

    As of now there is no known cure for it

  4. Arye,

    The words INTELLIGENCE REPORT BASED ON SOME OF THE WIRETAPPED COMMUNICATIONS HAD BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WHITE HOUSE have no correlation to “obama spying on trump” unless you speak at the same 5th grade level as trump.
    The rest of your comments show just how illiterate and ridiculous (and mean and Bigoted ) you are.

  5. #1 I think Obama has been vacationing since leaving office.
    How can anyone be called “America’s greatest President” after less than 2 months in office

  6. Arye don’t waste your time on this guys don’t get upset
    They really are a תינוק שנשבא
    From small kids they got a education
    העולם נברא רק בישבילי
    So i can cheat i can lie etc.
    Same as liberals
    המבין יבין

  7. Apparently Arye you have no understanding of what you read. If there was intelligence, that in no way means that obama ordered it, this would be through the security agencies. Who else do they give data to if not the President?
    Obama is in his birth country.

  8. can anyone give to farshtein why the same who are anti trump are also ALWAYS anti anything that is pro torah like separate seating busses, alternate sildwalks etc etc . . by the way this not a question…v’hamaskil yovin ,

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