WATCH: Mark Levin Provides Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower

6 Responses

  1. Where is RT Where is Gadol hador
    Now we know who is behind everything
    The Obama’s Terrorist group
    The Russian story was a cover up for all there crimes
    WHAT they said
    ויאמרו לו חכמיו וזרש אשתו אם מזרע היהודים מרדכי אשר החלות לנפל לפניו לא תוכל לו כי נפול תפול לפניו
    Obama’s & the liberals started with Israel you are Done
    President Trump said Very clear Israel is the Jewish nation
    & he doesn’t have a problem saying who are the terrorists

    by Kidushhashem on 2017-03-05 at 1:36 pm

  2. You’re causing your liberal loonies to go insane with all his truths and proofs. Are you ready to pay their medical bills?

  3. Mark Levin cares more about the US Constitution then the founding fathers! Thinking secular Jews don’t feel safe and secure. They’re either obsessive right wingers like Levin. Or Liberals like Chuck Shumer. Anything in between seems to scary.

  4. 1) Mark said in the very beginning that “this is not about presidents trump tweeting”. An excellent line because based on what Mark says , trumpts tweets are complete lies.

    trump said “Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

    “How low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy”.

    None of this fantasy has any basis in what Mark said.

    Mark is proof that trump lied in these tweets . trump has started a dangerous precedent of a sitting president falsely accusing his predecessor of McCarthyism without any basis.

    2) FBI director Comey rejected , and asked that the Justice department publicly reject, trumpts tweets.
    Does Mark know more than the Director of the FBI ?

    3) “Going to the FISA court” is not “spying”. The FISA court is a United States federal law which prescribes procedures for the physical and electronic surveillance and collection of “foreign intelligence information” between “foreign powers” and “agents of foreign powers” (which may include American citizens and permanent residents suspected of espionage or terrorism).

    4) If the FBI went to court and got permission to listen to communication, it means that members of the trump campaign were suspected of collusion with the Russians. This is not news and it caused Flynn to resign in disgrace and Sessions to recuse himself.
    A judge granted this request (the second time) which means that there was a reasonable suspicion that there were members of trumps team acting illegally.

    5) Do trump and his supporters really want all the info that the FBI and other 4 agencies have on his campaigns connections with Russia to be made public ?

  5. This is not surprising at all.

    Over the last months of the presidential campaign, Mr. Obama completely panicked and went all out to prevent Mr. Trump’s electoral victory knowing that everything he accomplished during the last 8 years would be completely undone if Trump won.

    These are the desperate actions of a man watching his legacy crumble into nothing and leaving the country in much worse shape than when he took over.

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