WATCH: The Krula Rebbe Smoking A Pipe On Motzei Shabbos

15 Responses

  1. What is the point of displaying this video. I’m not sure why you would want to highlight the Rav engaging in what everyone knows to be a practice that is dangerous to human health….while not as dangerous as smoking, a pipe still has direct and second-hand smoke risks for those talmidim around the Rav.

  2. Gagglehaborah; what “everyone knows” is that you are an arrogant nasty old hag and you spend your days hunched over your computer composing venomous vituperation against anything your daas kal cannot comprehend!

  3. Smoking, and any tobacco use for that matter, is proven to cause many awful diseases, has been responsible for vast numbers of deaths, disease, and human suffering. It is halachically assur on several grounds, and held that way by gedolim and many other poskim. Rabbanim and other teachers have an even greater responsibility as role models to their talmidim and communities, not to use tobacco products. The example they set whether to smoke or not to smoke can be even more influential than the powerful marketing and advertising of these products.

    Ba’avonosaynu harabim, “kosher le-pesach” cigarettes, with hechsherim from highly reputable kashrut authorities have been advertised in Israel, on the premise that they have no chametz. It is mishegas to say a cigarette is kosher if it assur to use in the first place.

  4. Hillelavraham
    Unfortunately you have no clue what you’re talking about. Many many poskim held that its mutar to smoke. Just because something is deemed “unhealthy” by doctors doesn’t create a Halacha. Torah is not a free for all where if it feels right and sounds right it is right. Go learn the sugya see all the teshuvos and you’ll see making something “ossur” is not quite as simple as you think.

  5. Most poskim do assur smoking, however not all do. However that doesnt mean one should smoke.

    And it is correct that Rabbanim are and should be role models. If they smoke, their followers will take the cue and smoke too.

    Many people are meticulus when it comes to Mitzvot and make gederim for them. Should we do the same for Health?

  6. Enough with these Rebbe videos and pictures already! Why does anyone think there is an interest in watching every mundane move that a Rebbe makes? Next we’ll have videos of the Rebbes eating breakfast, lunch and supper.

  7. It’s a halachik issue and your rov should be consulted like anything else.
    Before we decide what “most” poskim say should we have a head count to determine that? Point is it’s a halachik issue for rabbonim to decide not commenters on YWN

  8. Putting aside the question of assur under Halacha or not, what is the possible news value or interest in this 30 second video of a rav puffing away on a pipe? If the Rav enjoys his pipe, thats entirely his business and he is entitled to do so but why puff smoke in the faces of his talmidim and why does YWN feel this is newsworthy??

  9. Moshiach kumpt! Gadolhatorah actually made a worthwhile comment.

    I agree with lakewoodbubby, and hillelavraham when he says Rebbes should be an example. I bet sales of pipes to Krula Chassidim were through the roof on Sunday.

  10. The reason we should know what Rebbes do in “mundane” matters like eating Lunch is so we can learn the proper way to conduct ourselves in “mundane” matters. It is proper to learn from them in these matters.

    The problem here is that an activity is being done many are opposed to.

    We should see more pictures of Rebbes doing positive things

  11. Is this a weekly motsai shabbos minhag in Krula? Was it a one time thing? the way everyone was standing around and watching makes it seem like a novelty. Perhaps one of our Krul friends can explain?

  12. Agree with #12 and #13…..The photo albumns are really interesting to the extent they show rabbonim engaging in positive activities that inspire us to greater kedushah or ones we can emulate. Any kind of smoking is a vile and unhealthy activity, no matter how you spin it, and should not be pictured as something that kollel yungerleit should want to copy.

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