WATCH: Another Night Of Protests Underway – 25 ‘Peleg Yerushalmi’ Bochrim Stop Major Highway Inconveniencing Thousands Of Drivers

8 Responses

  1. So they are personally making sure that emergency vehicles will be blocked? The traffic shown in the video is so restricted they don’t have any room to move to get out of the way of any approaching emergency vehicle.

  2. #1 Ellul, what’s Ellul? These heilige bucherim are acting lesheim shomayim. It is the zionist police who need to ask them for mechilah for removing them from the highway with such terrible violence.

  3. It has also occurred to me that if they keep on doing this thing night after night then eventually they may end up facing a Palestinian car terrorist (no shortage of them in the news) who would not be able to resist practicing his craft on such tempting targets.

  4. Forget about Palestinians terrorists ramming into those “nothing to do” “full time Yeshiva bochurim”. If they close traffic for few days, I am sure regular Israeli, even frum ones maybe will take action and grab those noisemakers off the streets, maybe with few punches to teach a lesson, and they would be right to do so. They will not accomplish anything besides making angry people who were not against them

  5. Why aren’t thier leaders arrested for insisting this
    And as for 29 boys standing in a roadway run them over see how quickly they stop it

  6. #4 at least you agree that daas torah is behind it.I personaly think that the zionists are evil people who hate Hashem and the torah.

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