WATCH: ‘This is NOT What America Is About’: Schumer Addresses Silencing of Elizabeth Warren (No Fake Tears This Time)

8 Responses

  1. Apparently Freedom of speech is only for immoral Democrat lying perverts.
    Hey Chuck, the voters have spoken. We have rejected you and your corrupt party. We will nominate whomever we want and you don’t have the power to stop it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  2. America is the country where a lying white woman can pretend to be Pocahontas to get a better job, but if you identify the fraud, they call you racist.

    Way to go, racist democrats.

  3. Don’t know the guy but that was as condescending a speech as I’ve ever heard. Made me cringe – it was like a snooty kid telling a newcomer to play nicely by the rules whilst looking down his nose at him.

  4. Chuck where was your tears 😭 at 9/11, where is the condemning the today’s bombing in Israel or a word on the continuous terrorist attacks by the cult you so worry about the Islamic terrorists on innocent people walking on the street minding their own business in Israel?

    Time to retire man…

  5. I actually agree with his speech. All of you Trump supporters are a bunch of pea brained brown coats, sucking up every lie he says. Even when everyone knows he’s lying, making up completely false facts, you just keep coming back for more. Mark my words: HE WILL DESTROY OUR COUNTRY.

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