MUST WATCH: Rep. Maxine Waters Outdoes Pelosi; Says Putin Is Invading Korea And Bumbles About Trump Impeachment

4 Responses

  1. For all of the “bush was a moron” (held masters degree) or palin could see russia from her house (never said it), or Reagan an imbecile… how do these brain damaged democrats keep getting reelected.

  2. Maxine Waters is a complete idiot. She is sooooo stupid. I’ve had conversations with her in the past. She is a sonay Yisroel and oiver botul.

  3. Attention fellow Democrats and liberals: Do not talk about impeachment of our current president unless you talk about specific, constitutionally specified grounds for impeachment, i.e., commission of high crimes and misdemeanors. Being stupid or incompetent, or being a lying liar, or pursuing unconstitutional policies, is not grounds for impeachment. If you talk about impeachment without grounds, you will sound as ignorant as the nudniks who spent 8 years talking about impeaching Trump’s predecessor, Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

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