SHOCKING VIDEO: Breslov Mashpia HaRav Moshe Kramer Attacked On Shabbos By Chasidim Of Rabbi Berland

The followers of Rabbi Eliezer Berland who was convicted of offenses have taken to attack his opponents. In the opening scene, a prominent Mashpia who dared to speak against Rabbi Berland was attacked violently. In the second you see followers of rabbi Berland covering their heads with Taleisim ) as they destroy HaRav Kramer’s central air conditioner outside his home. Rabbi Berland is currently serving a jail sentence after he admitted to his actions in court, expressing remorse for harming anyone, “men or women, male or female”.

18 Responses

  1. Unbelievable. Like the left today. These thugs are still “with him” regardless of the crimes he has admitted to. Anyone against their narrative is now fodder for destruction. Regardless of Halacha, regardless of Shabbos. We need to “burn the evil from amongst us”.

  2. Well they get their thrills destroying property. Better than their holy rabbi who got his thrills destroying people and their lives.

  3. I hope these pigs get caught and are prosecuted to the fullest. Let em rot in jail
    I’m sure these thugs make it their duty to go to Uman and say the Tikkun Klali

  4. To David G:

    Whether public or private, the Breslov committed assault and vandalism and should be punished. For years, Berland conducted an international charade that was a chilul hashem of the greatest proportions where he would show up in a courtroom in talis/tefillim looking like he was suffering from some form of dementia, where he would sneak around to avoid being deported. His followers mindlessly cling to his every word without any judgement. Even from jail, his cult-like followers are a danger to everyone they come in contact with.

  5. David Gray, mechalel shabbos befarhesyah deserve publicity whatever their motives are. They should know the world saw this and maybe they will repent and ask mechilah

  6. Why does YWN continue to call Berland “Rabbi”? If admission and conviction of heinous crimes isn’t enough, what is??

  7. Private dispute or not there’s no excuse for their actions. These videos are important to demonstrate how twisted people act. “V’chol Yisroel Yishmeu V’yirou”

  8. Gevald!
    It’s Shabbos and Genaiva all wrapped in one! What are they going to do next Shabbos when the Aseres Hadibros are read!?
    Rachmana Litzlan!

  9. Chillul Hashem and a disgrace to the Rebbe’s good name. If they are truly attacking HaRav Kramer, then they are NOT Breslevers and they are definitely not Chasidim in any sense of the word.

  10. It’s important for people to see that Breslov isn’t a happy minyan. It’s a dangerous cult not based in Torah.
    The insanity of everybody going to Uman was lead largely the Berlands.
    They mock everyone who does adhere to their interpretation of this cult called Breslov. They believe that Rabbi Nachman has a dream about Berland and those he is the Tzaddik. When Berlands talmud Arush comes to America to collect money this week, ask him if he will denounce his Rebbe….

  11. Berland was only formally convicted. He actually pleaded guilty and admitted his guilt in respect of many heinous crimes he committed. If he had been convicted after a trial his followers and all those on YWN who think there is no limit to “don lekaכv zechus” was just a zionist conspiracy to disgrace a true tzaddik, one of the Lamed Vovniks of our generation, could carry on praising him. As it is he admitted that he abused women in the most disgusting way. We will only know that his teshuva journey has started when we hear from those he abused that he has apologised and asked for mechila. Until then he can think of preparing space in gehenom for his “chassidim” who attacked Rav Kramer – a real tzaddik –

  12. yungerman1
    I think it’s a good thing that he’s still called Rabbi. If we would stop calling him Rabbi because of this, it would indicate that everyone else who is called Rabbi, is a worthy rabbi, and that would be very misleading.

  13. “We don’t know what the story is or who those people are but someone just sent that the police are after a person who is in a fight with Rav Kramers family over money, nothing to do with Rav Berland.” “The cholkim certainly jumped on the opp to make Shuvu Banim look bad.”

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