WATCH: Schumer Tears Up Over ‘Mean-Spirited, Un-American Immigration Ban’

12 Responses

  1. Senator S can cry all he wants, but the ban is legal, follows statute, follows precedent, is working to make America safer, is roundly HAILED by the border and immigration agents, and can be best explained here:

    He is a lying liar who is lying for partisan political reasons. The fact that OBAMA stopped immigation from Iraq for months, or designated countries… he ignores that completely.

    Liar Liar, your party is on fire.

  2. In other words, these warped minded farkrumte kep are saying “To make America great again is racist and un-American. We must continue lawlessness, violence and accepting terrorists from all countries.”

  3. Obama was full of “why should we be better than a 3rd world country” thing. It is more than welcome go back to normal now

  4. Did anyone else have the words “crocodile tears” jump into their mind after seeing that. Certainly looked a bit forced and staged if you ask me…

  5. Didn’t cry in Iran agreement didn’t cry in crown heights didn’t cry when Jews where killed in USA and isreal because they where. Jews. But fit these illegals he cries time to start a recall

  6. The Libs are so stupid! Just take one look at their leaders’ behavior and you will conclude that the people they are talking to must be a bunch of stupid fools.

    These tears are so FAKE, yet they keep doing it, it must be working for the liberal base, another proof they are stupid!

  7. How about Shumer boarding an aeroplane to Paris, and going from CDG airport to an Arab neighborhood in suburbs of Paris for a stroll, of-course without his personal security.

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