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WATCH: Jewish Congressman Nadler – Who Voted For The Iran Deal – Calls Trump’s Immigration Ban ‘Disgusting

Read an interesting Op-Ed that YWN recently published about Nadler.

9 Responses

  1. Is this guy for real? Never heard of him in the UK but there was almost nothing he just said that made any sense. Does he do this regularly? Can he really not see the potential threat of Muslims versus a potential Christian threat? Really?

  2. Yes number 1. He is for real. Nadler represents a district that will keep returning him to office no matter what he does and he is well aware of that. It may seem bizarre when you look at it from a wide perspective, but when you keep in mind that “all politics is local” you’ll understand exactly how this clown keeps getting away with what he does.

  3. Re comment no. 2: Mr. Nadler keeps being re-elected because he keeps getting more votes in his district than any other candidate. Not all members of Congress see things your way. That is why we have 435 congressional districts.

  4. News man tried to interview this arrogant fool And refused to answer any questions other then yo state he believes in strong protection and his previous statements should suffice
    How this fool go reelected is beyond the pale

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