WATCH: Rep. John Lewis Doesn’t View Trump As ‘Legitimate’ President

8 Responses

  1. Does Lewis think 62,979879 trump voters are illegitimate ?
    That is the question no one is asking.
    Partisanship has risen to such levels that rational rethinking can no longer be taken for granted.

  2. “Take what he says seriously.” Are you serious, Al???

    Had Lewis had some integrity to his nonsense, he’d have brought about a major outcry on Obama’s “legitimacy”. Why haven’t we heard from Lewis once Obama admitted to the judges in court that his Birth Certificate is a fake? Why are you, Lewis and MSMFN covering it up? Why weren’t you demanding his impeachment the moment he admitted to his forged Birth Certificate? Because you’re a liberal hypocrite!

    Had Lewis some integrity he’d admit the truth that neither the CIA nor anyone else has any evidence to the Russian hacking hoax.

    Had Lewis some integrity he’d admit that Saudi Arabia contributed massively to manipulate the election for Hillary.

    Had Lewis some integrity he’d admit that Hillary received billions of dollars from China in order to control the election.

    Had Lewis some integrity he’d admit that the voting machines were rigged for Hillary and almost 10 million votes for her were illegal.

    Had Lewis some integrity he’d admit that Hillary is the most corrupt person in the entire world and should have been removed from the campaign.

    And lastly, what about the US interfering in elections of other countries, especially Russia and Israel? HYPOCRITES!

  3. He is living on marching with Dr. King. If King was alive he would tell him to work with President Trump and get things done not stamp your feet.

  4. Idiot congressman takes accusations as if a person is definitely guilty.

    I can understand if he demands the accusations to be investigated, but to accept accusations as being true and to act upon accusations only, is the sign of a foolish person, and so I say, he is acting stupidly.

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