WATCH: Huckabee Says Americans Dont Believe Russia Impacted Election

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  1. The CIA, Washington Post, NY Times, sore losers are STILL desperately trying to remove Trump with all kinds of lies. It’s the CIA who got Obama in office 8 years ago through fraud (rigged machines, stuffed ballots, etc.) (even though they knew that his birth certificate is fake) in order for him to be their puppet.

    For the 2016 election the CIA were hoping and had it all planned out with all kinds of frauds and illegal stuff to get Hillary in as their new puppet. But Hakadosh Baruch Hu matzileinu miyodom – to their unexpected bad luck Trump won in a huge landslide even with all that fraud towards Hillary. This got them so infuriated until Russia became the scapegoat.

    The CIA are quite aware that the guy who leaked the stuff to Assange was a DNC employee (who then joined in the Clinton Body Count).

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