WATCH: Julian Assange Says Media Coverage In America Is Very Dishonest

8 Responses

  1. Do we really want to believe someone who has put our national security operatives at risk of their lives and himself is alleged to be a rapist??? I think not.

  2. “The media is dishonest” coming from a guy who’s holed up in an embassy to try to escape justice for assaulting an underage girl. Sure you can definitely trust him, please!

  3. Typical comment from #1 & #2 A proven method to get rid of someone; let it be a boss, a neighbor, a teacher is simply by accusing him of “rape”, “assault” and the likes and then publicizing it on the media. Only dumb people and those who relish in these stories and patchken zich in blotte believe them. These are the same people who believed these charges against Trump, even though the media later admitted that these women were paid to make up these lies. There was a report in England that 94% of these accusations are false.

    WikiLeaks is doing the job the media is supposed to be doing and what people are expecting from the media. The media is supposed to be the watchdog over the government and to stop government corruption. Meanwhile, the corrupted politicians and the media joined forces and spread lies, baloneys and nonsense to the public. Since there’s no govt watchdog, Assange took it upon himself.

  4. Gadolhadorah, you are stupid woman.

    Do you really believe someone who has put our national security operatives at risk of their lives (Hillary’s email server with top national secrets) and whose husband is alleged to be a rapist??? I think not.

  5. Very disengenuous to refer to him as someone trying to escape “justice”. He is clearly someone who is not well liked by authorities all over the world, and loe and behold, as he’s digging up trash on governments across the globe, someone tags him with these allegations. He is hiding because he knows he won’t get a fair chance to fight it. Of course the same people here who don’t want to even believe him because he is “alleged” to be a rapist, had no problem with fellow “alleged rapist” Bill Clinton and his enabler wife running the entire country.

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