WATCH: Mike Huckabee Says To Defund UN Following Anti-Israel Vote

3 Responses

  1. So basically they’re saying because of these “Settlements” in the G-d given Jewish land there’s Arab terrorism all over the world.

    Kerry and Obama, how about showing Israel an example and outlining a 2-State Solution in the US to stop Arab terrorism in the US? After all, the US is much larger and more feasible for a 2-State-Solution.

  2. Mike is %100 percent right. Mike Huckabee would of made a GREAT moral President. It’s too bad the left-wing Rinos threw him under the bus so they can nominate the big dummy, Jeb. How did that work out?

  3. Comforting that there are still people with logic in their brain. I love the Q about why in the world would a Jew vote democrat. The answer is true whoever does is more a liberal than a Jew.

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