WATCH: Newt Gingrich Says Trump Was Willing To Describe Reality

2 Responses

  1. Has anyone heard from the current Illegal President regarding the attack? Is he still out there in Hawaii where he headed off to a golf course several moments after receiving the reports of the attacks in Berlin?

    Once ISIS will cease being funded and armed by the US, it will be easier for President Trump to fight them.

    The massive increase of Muslims in the US is all Obama’s and Clinton’s plan of destroying America from within.

    What Obama will do once he leaves office? He should just take his time and go back home to his birthplace in Africa and enjoy his types there. He can take Soros and Clinton gangsters with him.

  2. Talking about Gingrich (and for those who were quick to jump on Trump) he apologized on Twitter for lying that Trump will not drain the swamp, which of course MSMFN would not have the courage to report.

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