WATCH: Could The Electoral College Deny Trump The Presidency?

Reaction from Democratic Rep. Don Beyer and Democratic elector Clay Pell of Rhode Island

4 Responses

  1. An analogy would be for the British Queen to decide she doesn’t have to listen to parliament and start making up her own laws and ignoring elections. One king tried relatively recently (400 years ago), and they chopped of his head.

    Things like that don’t happen in established democracies. What is shocking is that the Democratic (big D) party has given up on democracy (small D) and abandonned the idea of the rule of law. It turns out the party of Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Bill Clinton is now FASCIST.

  2. Obama’s FAKE PRESIDENCY and sitting in office ILLEGALLY for 8 years is MUCH WORSE than foreign governments trying to influence the public. If Podesta and the entire world couldn’t brainwash me and all my friends, relatives and the entire city and state to vote for The Devil does that make Trump’s victory illegal? STUPIDITY and NONSENSE!

    Bush and the CIA were hoping to continue to destroy America but Hashem has had enough of these gangsters. Time to rebuild and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

    However, IF ANYONE INTERFERED IT WAS THE CIA but definitely not the Russians. Not only has the CIA interfered and manipulated in US elections but in elections of other nations, especially Russia. That is why they fear revenge.

    The CIA (who brought Obama into office fraudulently and illegally in order for him to be their puppet) is so corrupt, I wouldn’t be surprised that it was the CIA who manipulated the polls and had MSMFN release them.

    The suggestion of President Trump getting away from twitter will not happen as long as Mainstream Media are lying and distorting the truth to the public. Not only does President Trump not trust them, but 2/3 of Americans don’t. Let Fakestream Media go out of business, who cares?

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