WATCH: President-Elect Bashed For Misspelling ‘Unprecedented’

9 Responses

  1. Trump is being BASHED for misspelling?? come on, leave him alone already. is this what we have to look forward to the next 4 years (or possibly 8)? i don’t think any other president has ever gone under the magnifying glass like Trump. Obama got away with murder. You know how many faux pas he has committed in the last 8 years? and the media gave him a pass! You know, Trump doesn’t really need all of this. if he says he’s, nevertheless, doing it because he loves this country, i say to him….kol hakovod! as far as the Twitter account that he uses…i don’t blame him. The press, because of their bias to him, do not report his actions accurately…or, to quote Donald..”they are very dishonest”…so, Mr Trump, continue to use Twitter.

  2. Silly, don’t you see how President Trump purposely spelled it that way?

    Hopefully President Trump will put Fakestream Media out of business once he’s in office.

  3. Donald Trump is the least educated president to ever win the nomination of any major party, let alone the first ignoramus to win the presidency.

    At this point, another misspelled word by Donald Trump is just an attempt by the media to further discredit him with the voters. The mainstream media doesn’t seem to grasp that Trump’s vulgarity and ineptitude won him this election. The blue collar voters – who like Trump never understood how a free economy operates – voted for him in droves.

    If the media would like to hold him accountable they should focus on his ridiculous stance on free trade, the tax increase for families or his anti-Israeli Secretary of Defense. However, they are ecstatic that Jimmy Carter’s trade policies are back, Nancy Pelosi’s plan for less children is implemented and James Baker will be considered pro-Israel after James Mattis’ tenure.

    The liberal media heralded the liberal policies that decimated the middle class. They brought Dodd-Frank, Obamacare and the Iran deal upon us. These policies led to the ascent of populism. The media got us into this mess and should be held accountable for it.

  4. dave hirsh–comment 5: when you’re dealing with a world of treacherous rulers who only know how to chop off heads or to wipe off the map countries such a israel, it doesn’t really matter if you’re labled an “ignoramus” or if you’re labeled “least educated”. and when our current (poor excuse for a president) obama was elected, what did his Harvard education give him? absolutely nothing! with all his fancy degrees, we are laughed at all over the world. and because he knows how to talk does not prevent me from labeling him an “ignoramus” as well. i would far prefer “less educated and ignoramus Trump” than the elite, educated, liar Hillary! we don’t live in the same world that existed in washington’s and lincoln’s time. we are under a new set of rules.

  5. chaiml,

    I sure hope you know Donald Trump’s plan for fighting ISIS or Islamic Jihadism, because last I checked he didn’t have a plan.

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