WATCH: Sen. Lindsey Graham Tells CNN’s Wolf Blitzer ‘Russians Hacked My Campaign’

Sen. Lindsey Graham tells CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that his campaign account was hacked by the Russians, but he doesn’t think Russia swayed the election outcome.

One Response

  1. Hey, Mr. Graham, Hillary lost because she’s a crook, liar, murderer, thief, fraud, in short, a first class criminal. There’s no way in the world she could have won. The American people did not want her. Proof is she had tiny rallies all along and only about 15% who actually voted for her. The rest of her votes were all fraud.

    Yes, Russian hacked into his campaign account. He has the same amount of evidence as the CIA Mafia. LOL! NONSENSE! If it were true, they’d go after Hillary who publicly got millions and billions of dollars to manipulate the election. But these crooks don’t care about the truth. They’re no better than Obama who lied about his Birth Certificate until yesterday when he admitted to the court that it’s a fake and forged. ARE ALL DEMOCRATS LIARS?

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