WATCH: Rep. Darrell Issa (R) Challenges CNN’s Chris Cuomo About Voter Fraud

Rep. Darrell Issa (R) challenges CNN’s Chris Cuomo about voter fraud, claiming that millions voted illegally during the presidential election.

3 Responses

  1. Watchdog, Electionnightgatekeepers and many more non-biased media claim that Clinton’s vote came from over 7 million dead and illegal immigrants plus millions more fraud voting. In short, she definitely did not win the popular votes and very likely did not win any state.

  2. Watchdog and Electionnightkeepers are looney outfits and have refused to provide a shard of evidence. There is zero evidence of “millions” voting illegally. Issa made a fool out of himself. He couldn’t defend Trumps nonsense so he kept on saying “Chris I love you” without even once attempting to say that Trump’s millions of illegal votes claim was true. The best he could say is that ONE person in his district voted illegally. This is what is sick and wrong with politicians they will defend anything that their leader will say. Pathetic.

  3. “Non-biased”? anyone who believes this lunacy needs to have their head examined. How do we know that millions of people didn’t vote three and a half times each for trump. This isn’t North Korea.

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