WATCH: Donald Trump’s Pick Of General ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis For Secretary Of Defense

6 Responses

  1. Leave it ‘the laws don’t apply to me’ Trump to announce the appointment of someone who is not legally eligible to be Secretary of Defense.

    Sure, make the appointment and seek a waiver of the law afterwards. Just like Melania, working illegally on a tourist visa when she arrived in the US and lying about her education on her application.

    Law abidance is for little people, not our President in waiting

  2. So Melania worked a few weeks while the company she worked at was filing work visa payments like over 15 years ago.
    For that you have a problem but for Clinton you don’t.
    I don’t even know why I respond.

  3. It would not be a big deal to get a waiver for him to be Secretary of Defense. it’s only an added step. He is probably a lot more moderate than many of the other options. The law doesn’t prohibit a veteran from holding the job, only that it adds an additional step.

  4. ctlawyer again u sound like a cry baby we all know you enjoyed free handouts but hate to break it to you if you work hard follow the law all will be good btw obamacare is a disaster says most of america

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