WATCH: Democrat Says His Party Is Anything But Unifying

5 Responses

  1. Of course The Devil wasn’t genuine. Obama begged her while she was bawling her eyes out to concede. She was upset that the rigged machines weren’t rigged enough, and there weren’t enough fraud and enough people voting more than once.

    Wow, so we got to see 1 “normal” democrat! But why would a normal guy like him vote for Hillary?

  2. The Democratic party is the clintons private party they should call it the clinton party time to move away from the clinton corrupt party

  3. I’m a registered Democrat (and an unregistered liberal), and I knew Hillary Clinton was not genuine years before Fox News even went on the air. Nothing new about that.

    And who is shocked by a party trying to undermine the legitimacy of a president? The party of birthers who thought the current president was not born in the USA? Their Electoral Collegiately successful candidate? So what is the point of this video? Where is there any news in this story? I have wondered for at least 3 years why Hillary Clinton was still the choice of her/my party. She was a horrible candidate, and I look forward to my party’s performance now that it has been cleansed of Hillary.

  4. Re comment no. 4: Would yous please explain to me what evidence you have that I am ignorant and/or brainwashed. (I’ll concede that I am arrogant and will not ask for a recount.)

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