WATCH: Assemblyman Hikind Addresses Traffic Changes Coming to Ocean Parkway

Linked below is a YouTube video of Assemblyman Hikind addressing a concern over traffic changes coming to Ocean Parkway that will eliminate the right turn onto Avenues J, P, Kings Highway and other avenues from Ocean Parkway. Instead, motorists will have to turn one block before onto the service road in order to make the right turn.

10 Responses

  1. I don’t see the right turn off as a major need for intervention as I do the need to make left turn onto Ocean Parkway from 18th, Ave. I, Avenue J etc.
    Div is right to call this “””improvement””” an insanity.
    Why don’t they do a community reach-out to hear from us??
    Trying to make a left onto Ocean Pkway coming from BP one regularly needs to wait 3-4 traffic lights until he is free to make that turn!
    Insanity it is indeed, Dov!

  2. Dov is so right (pun) on this.

    Several points:

    1. All it will accomplish week be that the avenues preceding J,P,etc will have DOUBLE THE AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC making right turns.

    2. Anyone who has ever tried turning off onto the service road knows what a congestion this will cause.

    3. The service road itself is not intended for heavy traffic and is often nearly impassable for large cars.

  3. How about 15th 16th 17th ave in boro park? traffic is unbearable
    Please make it all a one way!!!
    I’m actually planning on organizing a campaign to get volunteers to give out posters to all drivers passing by all major avenues in boro park/Flatbush before the election, to vote out our politicians sitting in office for long years doing noting to alleviate the traffic problems.

  4. Sorry for the rude interruption

    >>>These guys at the DOT have obviously never opened a gemara in their life! This reminds me of the Ft Hamilton traffic island fiasco which ended up costing nearly $1m (and possibly a life or 2). This is what happens when decision makers are out of touch with the situation on the ground.
    Let’s vote Trump and get these shlemiels running AWAY from office. בב”א

  5. What is more sorely needed is LEFT turn lights from AVE P, J, Etc ONTO Ocean Parkway. I’ve witnessed several accidents due to this dangerous situation, and the traffic backs up because of it as well. On any normal afternoon, you can easily see 2-3+ cars making their left or zooming across Ocean parkway ON RED – because they are frustrated from waiting!

    What was the initial problem that these people are trying to solve? And who ever complained about this in the first place? Classic government waste!

    Can someone start an online petition? Anyone know how? We already are suffering with 25 MPH speed limit and speed cameras all over Ocean Parkway and the neighborhood in general.

  6. I just contacted the mayor via email regarding this issue. Perhaps anyone who is concerned would like to do so as well, as Dov Hikind suggested.

  7. Leave it to some politicians in a room in Albany to think they know what’s good for us…
    This will not be safer as drivers will need to make 3 tight turns instead of one onto the avenue they are trying to get to, putting 3 sets of pedestrians in danger. It might relieve some of the right lane traffic approaching these avenues, but many cars who missed the pre-turn will slow anyway, and become totally confused… (maybe that’s the point – to turn it into a cash cow for the City!)
    Why not designate the right lanes approaching these avenues as right turn only lanes? (Probably wouldn’t work as it didn’t at 65th Street & Bay Parkway, but might be worth considering.)
    It will cause tremendous traffic and dangerous conditions on the service roads, which are very narrow, and not meant for all this extra traffic. Even if they will now ban parking (and create new nightmarish situations with that!). Most of these affected service roads are either very residential with cars and children, or have schools.
    Drivers on the parkway don’t have to stop for school busses on the service road. But when one bus stops on the service road, it will back up not only the service road, but likely the parkway too, as drivers get stuck with nowhere to go.
    In the situation around Avenue J, there is no turn to Avenue K, so drivers would have to be prepared to make the turn 1/3 of a mile earlier at Avenue L, to squeeze down 2 long, narrow blocks of service road with schools and synagogues. And the other direction has the turnoff to Bay Parkway, full of its own hazards.

  8. They call it “vision zero” I call it another revenue $tream. Instead of installing delayed turning signals, they make it illegal with a $100 ticket and 2 points. Do you know what happens when you get 6 points within 18 months? You get a $300 assessment. It’s getting cheaper to just take an Uber.

  9. The Kingshwy turn will entail turning right onto Ave R, which is a very short block, right in front of Mir Yeshiva. Those service lanes will be a mess. Try parking with a few cars who are behind you, honking their horns to get you to go faster. What about trash pickup on those blocks??!! It could take 20 minutes extra. There are also many shuls along those service lanes, where people try to park or get dropped off for Simchas or to daven. All this will lead to more Road Rage. This will clog those service lanes even more, leading to dangerous situations. Once those service lanes are clogged. there is no way around, unless they plan take away all of the much needed parking spaces on the right side of of the service lanes. Between K and l there are tons of buildings whose residents park on the service lanes. This will push residents to park on the other already clogged streets of the lower east streets, many near commercial businesses. If you thought parking was hard now, wait till those parking spaces are removed. This

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