WATCH: Many City Officials Vowing To Protect Immigrants

4 Responses

  1. there are 3 types of “immigrants”: 1) legal ones who entered the US legally, 2) illegal ones who entered without necessary documentation & 3) same as #2, except that they have committed crimes in this country (aside from the technical “crime” of entering without the necessary documentation). Type 1, of course, will have no problem. Type 2 will not be deported if they show proper documentation. Type 3, however, is the problem. Entering this country without documentation & in addition to that committing crimes is absolutely unacceptable. These type 3 illegals is who Trump is after. Having said all this, how can any state protect a “type 3” illegal immigrant? It defies logic.

  2. legal immigrant vs. illegal alien.

    it’s not that hard to understand. even a modern college snowflake could grasp it if they come out of their safe space.

  3. Law-abiding illegal aliens.
    How does that translate into English?
    The present administration consistently refused to use the term illegal, which is exactly what they are, preferring “undocumented”, as if their passports were confiscated upon arrival, or got soaked beyond recognition in the Rio Grande.

    Basically “undocumented immigrants” is a convoluted way of saying “unregistered Democrats”.

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