WATCH: Hillary Clinton Is Not A Gracious Loser

6 Responses

  1. The main reason Hillary lost the election:

    We know that “lev melachim vesarim beyad Hashem – the hearts of kings and princes (presidents) are in the hands of Hashem.” In other words, Hashem controls their thoughts and actions. Since Hillary is full of Tumah, corruption and abomination, and Hashem hates abomination, how can Hashem deal with her?

  2. Why would one have thought that she had any class? Because she is a criminal from a criminal family whose mechutonim as convicted criminals, as well?

  3. Listen, its not fun to lose. Even though I despise the woman, cant expect her to take this loss in stride. she is human after all. Her downfall reminds me of Haman, she got really high, and went toppling down.

  4. “Hillary is a sore loser ”

    did anyone commenting here actually hear her speech? It was quite the opposite of what you would expect a sore loser to say. Quite gracious.

    Now, I know I will be accused of being a clinton supporter. I cant do anything about that. But i am confident enough in my positions that i dont feel threatened by facts, even if those facts make an otherwise lousy candidate sometimes appear better. And i dont feel threatened if someone disagrees with me thereby giving me supposed license to vilify someone for disagreeing with me on a particular point.

  5. Please please please go watch her concession speech. The video posted here is extremely biased. I watched her speech and she spoke with dignity and grace. She said that we have to respect the rules of our democracy and accept Trump with an open mind. She also gave over message of hope for the future of the nation.
    Had the situation been reversed I don’t believe Trump would have been as gracious.
    While both were extremely terrible candidates for POTUS stop vilifying her and putting Trump on a pedestal. They are BOTH horrible human beings just in different ways.

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