WATCH: Liberal CNN Commentator Carl Bernstein Calls Trump Win ‘Tragic And Dangerous’

6 Responses

  1. And whose fault is it that even a newcomer like Trump beat the Democratic candidate?
    Two wasted terms of office of Democrat #1, plus a career criminal on the ballot.
    Still looking to blame someone else?

  2. Article Title: ” Hashem picks the Winner”

    As a Canadian tuned in to the elections, I woke up this morning with a feeling of complete elation. Why? After all, I favour neither candidate.

    Despite not being involved, I felt a boost of emunah as I discovered the new ” President Trump”.

    Why did Trump run?

    Despite the polling, the negative ads, a skeleton type campaign, no experience, and minimal support from his own party, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. He was ridiculed by everyone from the start. A 2016, New York Times article investigated the reason behind Trump’s desire to run. According to the article, Trump was “roasted” live at a White House correspondents dinner by President Obama in 2011. He ran out of the event in embarrassment and vowed to teach Obama a lesson.

    Waking up to see the headlines at 3 a.m, I was in disbelieve. Then I remembered the following pasuk:

    “When you [the Jewish nation] come to the land which Hashem your God gives you, and you inherit it and dwell in it, and you say, ‘I will place upon myself a king as all the nations roundabout’. Certainly place upon yourself a king whom Hashem your God selects from among your brothers; place [him] as king. (Deut. 17:14,15)

    On an intellectual level, we know Hashem exists. We know his “hand” is involved and guides every organism on the planet. We learn about proofs of G-d at Discovery seminars. We know Hashem is hidden. To quote my chavrusa ” Hashem holds the “USB Key” to our brain.

    However, this election was to me a pure and clear open miracle. I became giddy thinking how amazing Hashem is for allowing it to unfold how it did. A person has to blind not to see Hashem in the details.

    A story is told of a well known Torah Sage, who used to spend each Erev Rosh Hashana contemplating how Hashem created the Universe and it’s details. He used to think about the world’s creation, in order to discount heretical “Big Bang” type theories and strengthen his emunah (belief) in his creator.

    These election results have done the same for me.

    Mazal Tov Reb Donald.

    Let’s all make Hashem Great Again!

  3. Another secular Jew who’d prefer the biggest criminal in the world who’s under FBI investigation for POTUS to continue corruption, lawlessness, funding ISIS and embracing third world countries.

  4. The Pasuk says in Divre HaYamim: “לְךָ ה’ הַמַּמְלָכָה. וְהַמִּתְנַשּא לְכל לְראשׁ”-The kingship belongs to Hashem; He is the one who appoints leaders. The Gemara says on this Pasuk that any person who holds any position in this world was chosen for it only by Hashem.

  5. This man is a stupid, self-hating Jewish old man, and his opinion should count for nothing and not be listened to or reported on YWN. Everything is racist to these people. Enough of them!

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