SHOCK VIDEO: Obama Encourages Illegals To Vote – Promises No Repercussions


Obama made a bizarre declaration that it’s okay to commit voter fraud and break the law by voting in a U.S. election even if you’re in the country illegally.

A woman interviewer asked Obama: “I call [illegal aliens] citizens, as they contribute to this country. They are fearful of voting and wonder: ‘If I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?’”

“This is not true,” Obama said in the live TV interview. “First of all, when you vote, there’s not a situation where voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.”

The shocking video clip first aired on Neil Cavuto‘s Fox Business News show “Coast to Coast.”

After hearing Obama tell illegal aliens they won’t get caught if they commit voter fraud, a disgusted Cavuto exploded.

“I can’t believe that I heard what I heard!” Cavuto said. “It was very clear that the question that was being asked was about illegals voting and them being afraid they might be reported to Border Security.”


12 Responses

  1. This isn’t really news. The two most consistent bloc votes for Democrats are illegal immigrants and the deceased. The worst part is that everyone knows this and yet the President himself has no problem going on record and saying that it’s fine.

  2. Well, if the devil was cleared of ALL her violations, corrupt activities and monstrous acts, what’s wrong with 1 corruption from Obama encouraging illegal immigrants to vote and calling them “citizens”? This is after all the New America with the revised Constitution according to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

    The President himself also probably gave the go ahead for the 1.5 million DEAD VOTERS to vote again and again to make up for Hillary’s loss. After all, Hillary must win. How else will they be able to force her in “legally”?

  3. Snopes has debunked this nonsense. Unfortunatly Trump and his supporters must resort to lies to make their case. They are a bunch of shameless two faced liars. #NeverTrump

  4. #4 unfortunately we now find ourselves in a situation in this country where facts don’t matter, whatever a person or group makes up in their minds becomes reality. Up is down, black is white, mamash signs of Moshiach.

  5. If you read the summary on snopes, in a tangential way, Obama is telling legal citizens to vote and be a voice for their ILLEGAL relatives/ family members and friends.
    I’m sorry, but this may not be outright telling aliens to vote, but it is telling citizens to be the voice of and vote almost on behalf of those who cannot.
    It simply is wrong to tell people to do such a thing.
    It condones being in this country illegally and letting their voices be heard in the voting cast.
    It is wrong.

  6. #9, he did not say ILLEGAL relatives, he said those who CANNOT VOTE. When I vote, I am the voice of my younger family members who are not old enough to vote too.

  7. @concerned citizen: from the quoted text (found at the link you provided), it seems very clear that he was indeed saying the otherwise non-citizens should vote, that doing so makes them citizens, and they should have no fear of being deported. That’s what it says.

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