WATCH: Trump Tells Election Rally ‘Hillary Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Run For President’

3 Responses

  1. Hillary certainly is setting new records and breaking new ground. never before has a presidential candidate from a major party been under two serious FBI investigations at the same time, and possibly guilty of 20+ crimes and corruption!

  2. The US election is between Trump and the SUPER-CRIMINAL-DICTATOR-WITH-3-DOZEN-MESHUGAIM-in-her-rallies-and-supporters.

    If Hillary can pay 1/2 MILLION DOLLARS to several people to accuse Trump, as has been exposed, and “accidentally” gave ISIS $400 MILLION plus weapons, she probably pays this amount for the few dozen to show up at her rallies.

    Not even for one moment should this WITCH MURDERER OF SUCH HIGH CALIBER who’d have no problem triggering the nuclear button to destroy America be allowed in the Oval Office. This DANGEROUS CRIMINAL WHO’S UNDER FBI INVESTIGATION should be handcuffed instead of running for POTUS.

    In the meantime, NBC and other mainstream media PROPAGANDA LIARS have already prepared the election outcome with Hillary’s fraud victory.

    The Great America has become the laughingstock of the world.

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