SHOCKING VIDEO: Kaparos Found In Garbage Bags Strewn All Over Street

15 Responses

  1. Ugh. Baal tashchis, right after doing tzaar baal hachaim by keeping the chickens in terrible conditions. A disgrace. Boy am I glad that I do kapporos with money which goes straight to the poor.

  2. its very simple. theyre shechting thousands and thousands of chickens and theres just no demand for them. not that many people want to eat kaporos chickens. what they should do is send them to the shlachtos live and let them use them like all the rest of their stock and no one would know

  3. Horrible. I am 100% for Kaporas with chickens. My father did it and his father and so on. But if this is what happens, I may have to find other means. Unless of course this was done by the nutcase protesters. I wouldn’t put it past them to do this.

  4. There is no way to verify who dumped this. I believe that originally, Kapporos chickens were given to the poor people to eat before Yom Kippur. If this was done intentionally, it was likely done by a fly-by-night who was looking to make a quick buck on the backs of people who think they’re doing the right thing.

    Honestly, we need a real sanity check to get things back in line….Esrogim anyone??? In the time of the Tannaim, this stuff wouldn’t fly. The galus has taken a toll on us, mostly because we have no Rabbis with enough authority to do almost anything about anything.

  5. Other than the person stating it will be 70 degrees in NY, how do we know this video was taken in NY? How do we know it is from Kapporas?

  6. Before saying Baal tashchis or that it’s meant to go to the poor, think a second, this may be the treifus and the parts that are not eaten. It’s wrong to just dump them in the middle of the street but Baal tashchis ?! Who knows!

  7. Its just like the situation with shamos not suprised i was thinking if and how they gave those chickens away. Besides, its not a karban that your avaros goes into it and some poor guy has to eat it no pun intended.

  8. I agree with the last poster, no proof that this was from Kapporos AT ALL. Looks like a modern-day blood libel attempt. If she was that horrified, she would not have the stomach to video it for so long!

  9. I agree with the other skeptics.

    Even if this is indeed from kaparos –

    1) We do not know from this video the details of what happened. Keep in mind that the farmers truck them cramped together in tight crates. That alone can cause many to die along the way or during the span of the day. That is not necessarily the fault of those in the kaparos business. Being so, these chickens possible never were used for kaparos at all and were a financial loss for the owners. If this be case, how do you recommend they dispose of them?
    2) It is clear that whoever disposed of them was not the one(s) that strewed them across the street. Keep in mind that the rest of the bags are tightly sealed. If you pay attention (43 sec into the video) you’ll see a sealed bag that was clearly torn or cut open from the side of the bag. The owners are not responsible for other people’s improper behavior.
    3) Assuming that the woman talking is the one filming, it is clear that she is not a religious Jew as her shadow reveals that she is wearing pants (see 18 sec). She may not even be a Jew at all. Notice, she does not say anything Jewish at all (ורוממנו מכל הלשונות). Her constant statement “I’m really sorry” could have been interpreted as “an apology for kaparos chickens being misused” if this was a frum woman. However, being she’s clearly not religious she obviously is making an “animal’s rights” statement. She most likely is a member of PETA. – which leads me to my next point.
    4) If she is from PETA then no conclusions at all can be made from this video being that PETA has been known for dishonesty and it is possible that this video was fabricated. I could not find evidence of chickens, but there is clear evidence of PETA killing dogs and cats and then dumping them in the same manner as seen in this video, using the same type of bags! Coincidence? (Don’t take my word for it. Search for yourselves.)
    5) It is well known that PETA is trying to get Jews to stop doing Kaparos altogether. I do not use chickens for Kaparos, but I’ve been considering the last couple of years to switch to chicken in defiance to PETA’s antisemitism!
    6) It needs explanation. None of the chickens in this video were shechted, so how did they die? Are we to believe that people took the time out to break there necks? Being that the majority of the bags are sealed and “without damage” it is clear that the chickens were dead before being placed into the bags. Otherwise, there would be signs of pecking and clawing their way out and there are none.
    7) Being that YWN seems to be the only source of this video it would be nice for an explanation of how they accessed this video (details not necessary).

    With all said and done, it could be that this video is exactly as it looks like. In that case, if there was any purposeful intent to enact animal cruelty (non-PETA defined), then the perpetrators should be fined.

    All this is being said by someone who has done Kaparos on “Money” for over 20 years now! Animal cruelty is prohibited by the Torah, but PETA is even more prohibited by the Torah! May they (PETA) all come to their senses and repent for their sinful and irrational beliefs!

  10. That’s it everyone who says who says this is from kapporas, just continue burying your heads in the sand of American golus. Just come up for enough time to get your 4 sorts of fish, 2 types of liver, 18 salads and best lean beef for the seuda. And don’t forget the 2011 Cabernet [that is the best recent year and we don’t want to spend more than $85 a bottle] or the three flavor chocolate souffles and marbled peach and watermelon sorbet to wash it all down with.

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