WATCH: Fight On Flight From Kiev To Israel Returning From Uman

7 Responses

  1. Unfortunately ,very telling1

    More on previous discussion of Uman,dancing & singing by Davening:

    The alte mirrers held

    all singing during davening was
    wrong and an erosion

    , During Rosh Hashana all the more so

    They would’ve shuddered

  2. I think there’re 2 Breslover Chassdim:

    1) The crackpots that seem to get all the attention – who seem to give a bad name to the entire Chasidus. Perhaps they need the Kiruv of Uman once a year to keep them from going further in the wrong direction.

    2) Very Chashuvah Breslover Chassidim, and other sincere Yidden, who we don’t hear about, who are quiet and go there and cry their hearts out, and are a walking Kiddush Hashem. Chaval that they don’t catch the eye of all this media hype we see every year around this time.

    Sadly, these crackpots behave no different anyplace else they are, all year round. We just get this “special” exposure to them around this time of year, annually.

  3. Forget about the fight. The video shows something else that always amazes me, which is how diverse the Uman pilgrimage is. So many different type of yarmulkes, and presumably so many different types of yidden, (the vast majority) going lesheim shomayim.

  4. I agree with comment#2.

    The fact that 30,000.00+ Yidden acted like normal menschen under crowded, sometimes uncomfortable conditions, doesn’t get any mention. When you have a meut shebimeut of nut cases acting up, it suddenly grabs headlines. These small minority of people, would misbehave wherever on earth they are located.

    I never went to Uman, or Europe for that matter, and have no plans or interest in doing so in the future, however, I definitely sense a bias against those that do go. I feel that this is unfair. I, B”H, am part of a wonderful Shul here in Flatbush with a wonderful Chushuva Rav and wonderful Kehilla and have been davening there for 20+ years. My children grew up and we made simchas in the same Shul, B”H. Not every person is zoche to have such an ideal situation. If they get chizuk from going to Uman, let it be. Who made you the judge on divaikus bo yisbarech? Why is there the need to keep bashing them? Genug shoin!
    Gmar chasimah tova.

  5. Looks to me like someone was upset about something and someone calmed him down. And if it is a fight on the flight, then it is pure Lashon Hara (which includes all of the aseis and lo saseis involved) to report it. The Chofetz Chaim clearly says that even the controversial heter of apei tlasa does not apply when your intention is to publicize the negative. (only derech agav is it maybe permissible.) Please! We are so close to Yom Kippur.

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