WATCH: Lev Tahor Cult Moves Once Again

The leader of the Lev Tahor community said his people are moving to a village in eastern Guatemala because of harassment including a raid of the group’s buildings on September 13 on the outskirts of the capital.

7 Responses

  1. THis Shows What Happens When We Remove Ourselves From the Community of Faithful Israel thinking Only They Are Righteous Tsadikim and the rest are Tamei – Impure and maybe even “Not Jewish”. Now they move to a country with very few other Jews in isolation from the rest of Am Yisroel.And they know they risk the authorities taking away their children for neglect – and we pray they end up in Jewish homes! If anyone knows how we may Rescue any of these it would be a Tremendous Mitsvah. They must be very hopeless being trapped in such a crazy cult where if they leave they can not – currently without rehabiliation and job training etc – make it!

  2. BenK #1: While I agree with most of the sentiments you sort-of expressed, you can’t cite harassment as proof that they are wrong. What kehilah of Jews was ever feee of harassment for long? If any, rhey were few and far-between.

  3. Poor future generations that are coming out of them!!!! The “moment” magazine put it down well. Just they didn’t put a picture of the burka ladies

  4. Was hoping that they would finally dismantle and they would return to civilization – it looks like they’re just not giving up. Sooo sad to see how their leader entrapped them to lead such sub-human lives

  5. motchah: I hope I am not risking machlokes before Rosh Hashana but you wrote “feee” which is improperly spelled according to my understanding. The same with “rhey” and I don’t think there is a need for a dash between far and between. BY harassment I think the authorities were referring to making all girls where full body coverings from head to toe, including bed time causing very bad hygiene. These meshugaim don’t even eat chicken according to the video. And what would happen to a teenager that doesn’t meet their standards – would he or she be kicked out with no where to go?

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