WATCH: Rabbi Shmuely Boteach Debates Satmar Jew Outside United Nations

17 Responses

  1. For someone who is supposedly a media personality, Rabbi Boteach doesn’t give his “guest” a chance to express an opinion.

  2. Whether you agree with the chosid or not, Boteach did a lousy job debating him. Instead of giving a logical thoughtful response, he just kept cutting him off and responding with non answers. Boteach looked foolish and unprepared.
    My only question is, how does this group differ from the Neturei Karta rodfim?

  3. To No. 2

    YWN is not “Anti-Satmar”….we read stories here weekly, mostly neutral, some good and rarely negative about Satmar and some other chassidus. The fact that it was Satmar who at this time of risk for EY would bring create such a chilul hashem in downtown NYC when the whole world is watching is why this coverage is important. These pathethic human beings are just one step above those in EY who weekly attack IDF soldiers for just walking in the street or even C’V, wanting to daven with minyan with other yidden.

    P.S. I agree that Boteach’s “debate” was pathethic…he is obviously just looking for media coverage.

  4. I too was surprised with R. Boteach’s week response. Perhaps he was so astonished with the shear audacity to blame the Holocaust on Zionism (as if that made any sense) that he became too dumbfound to respond with clarity.

    If anything, their (the Zionist) yearning for Eretz Yisrael was the one redeeming factor of these early Zionists.

  5. this isnt the first time shmuly boteiach messed up a so called debate!!!!
    hes just a plain stupid below average learner his seforim are not lehalocho and he has no regard of the real jewish beliefs
    we all remember the book from rav weismandel who brings the answer of the zionists to help save frum yiden from the nazis “better one cow in israel than 100 orthadox jews” and “the more blood will be spilled the faster we will have a state” are we a part of that group? cholila we are yidden bemes and dont have anything to do eith the “id”f” the “Tzava Hamegane Leisrael” before the zionists came around their was a truce between the jews and arabs living together in israel read about it in “ish al hachoma”

    if shmuly botaiachs son served in the idf shame on him!!!

  6. to # 5 questioning how is this group different than nk
    it isnt
    satmar of willi and their rebbe
    fund nk
    and all the hooligans that demonstrate in israel
    dont give them a penny

    there is money for this demonstration
    but they threw out girls whose parents couldnt pay the tuition

  7. Satmar is unfortunately an anti Semitic group. If the old Satmar rabbi was alive today he would be turning over in his grave from what his followers are doing

  8. Boteach’s only argument- that saying sins caused death, and not Nazi’s is illogical, shows his complete lack of knowledge of torah, nivi’im, ksuvim, & gemara, which are replete with this message- it is the sins that cause death. I am no Satmar believer, and I am not a fan of their tactics which I believe are quite misguided, but Boteach’s rediculous “debate” did absolutely nothing to disprove their validity. Would he have been upset at Yirmiyahu or Yishayahu who blamed churban beis hamikdash on the sins of klal yisroel and not the enemies who burnt down the temple? waste of time…

  9. How did the satmar spokesperson get to his “Belief” that it was the zionists that tipped the decree of the holocaust? Is he a prophet or baal ruach hakodesh?
    Was that zionsim biggest sin CHV in klal yisroel? I dont want to speak negative against that generation but zionism wasnt the only sin.
    Satmar doesnt have zionism but they more than have enough sins to account for. They should look at their own sins instead of pointing at the zionists sins!

  10. #11: if the old Satmar rav was alive today, he would not BE in a grave … But, it’s possible he’d not be pleased with some of the excesses of some of his chassidim.
    I still don’t understand why the Satmar and NK anti-zionists are worse than the secular leftist anti-zionists. Satmar-NK are at worst, an annoying side-show who don’t have much, if any, influence on the course of things. However, the Israeli left-wingers who are organized into political parties that sit in the knesset, along with their lefty anti-zionist colleagues in academia, both in Israel and throughout the world, are *much* more influential, and hence, much more dangerous to the “zionist enterprise.” They do more to demoralize and discourage Israeli soldiers (see “Elor Azaria trial”) than Satmar ever has or ever could. Why are only Satmar-NK referred to in the most derogatory language? Why are the secular antis never condemned? I sense a certain double-standard here. If being “anti-zionist” is bad — it’s bad for everyone. No one should be treated with kid gloves.

  11. The satmar community are great people full of chessed and I am proud to call them my brothers, history clearly is on the side of rabbi boteach. The satmar Rabbi AH was indeed saved by a zionist named Rudolf katsner. Look up the story of the katsner train. Katsner was later prosecuted by a israeli court for collaborating with the nazis during the war because he knew of their plans and didn’t warn his fellow jews. It’s was a difficult case because even if he gave warning no one wanted us. During the war he purchased a train of jews from the nazis and one of the passengers was the satmar rabbi. Katsner was murdered in israel when his trial was in the news and only after his death was he declared innocent. So yes the government could always use more religion but it’s our israeli government and we should be proud of the great job the IDF does.

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