WATCH: Chareidi Soldier Ousted From ‘Zichron Moshe Shteiblach’ Amid Shouts Of ‘Chardak’

In this difficult video, one can hear and see a frum IDF soldier is literally ousted from the Zichron Moshe Shteiblach on Sunday 15 Elul. He came to daven with a minyan and this was the greeting he received. Near the end of the video one sees the Yassam commando policeman with a black helmet standing by to make sure the soldier can continue walking up the block towards David Yellin Street unharmed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

27 Responses

  1. I have prayed at this Shul numerous times, and this is shocking beyond belief: Rabbi Fisher must condemn & outlaw such behavior at his Shul, even during his Kol Nidrei speech.

  2. It would be slandering real animals, to call these disgusting human beings “animals”. The chayal showed great restraint in not simply turning around and giving a few of them some reason to seek emergency medical care.

  3. This wonderful chayal is a tzaddik. Just in case the freaks who were harassing him are wondering why Moshiach still isn’t here, all they have to do is look in the mirror. Losers.

  4. Unless some serious condemnation is announced publicly I believe that future Tefillos Davened in that disgraceful Shul are like Tefillos in a toilet or sewer!

  5. I think You Must Question if it is a good Idea to Show Such Videos. I say This Because Some People May Be Put Off and have Thoughts of Going Off The Derech!
    Where Are The Rabbanim – In Meah Shearim and Elsewhere!!!!
    Such a Chillul Hashem for the Crime of Joinging the Israeli Army in the FRUM Division!! He wanted to DAVEN In a SHUL!! He also happens to be a Defender of Millions of Jews in Erets Yisroel!! His
    Parnassah is Defender of Eretz Yisroel from those that want to kick out all the Jews from there including by killing them! Why the Silence!! Is it not Frum Wise “Politically Correct”!!? Lets Hear AMERICAN ROSHEI YESHIVA then speak out????? Is this a Chilul Hashem!!! Then if yeshiva people and / or their chassidim are doing it they MUST speak out!!!

  6. It is a shame that Yiddishkeit has been hijacked by idiots whose only merit is the fact that they can yell and scream and insult people with impunity.

    The fact that the Eida gives support to them shows just how bankrupt the Eida is.

    These frum thugs should be severely beaten up and sent to jail.

  7. If there’s no condemnation and begging mechila from this brave IDF soldier ASAP from the rabbis, then I’m turning off any lecture about tshuvah from them.
    We, the ordinary Jewish people, are totally fed up already.

  8. For all of you who are disgusted by this, follow my lead. Beginning this shabbos, stand up and make a מי שברך for the soldiers. ANY Rav who opposes this guilty by association. That applies to litvish, chasidish, etc. Monsey, lakewood, Flatbush, anywhere.

  9. #9 Anyone that feels a need to go off doesn’t need this video. They can find their excuse anywhere else.
    And for all those saying Rabbanim should say something, I guarantee you that the Rabbanim haven’t watched the video yet. How should they know what happened?
    The last time something like this happened in Israel, in that case they trashed the soldiers car or beat him up, I told a big Rosh Yeshiva in America and he said whoever did that were idiots.

  10. #12 Why don’t you just daven at Young Israel or half the shuls in Queens. They all have Mi Shebairach for the soldiers.
    #11 Are you condemning all Rabbis? It’s ironic that you say we ordinary Jews. The people in the video are ordinary Jews.

  11. Ziongate: you can do whatever you want you can convert to Christianity. just don’t use this video as an excuse. One day you will have to give a din v’cheshbon and it won’t help to say those crazy people turned you off.

  12. “As it is often the criminal himself who is first to cry, “Thief!” so it is usually those who scream, “Fascist!” loudest who are the quickest to resort to anti-democratic tactics”

  13. Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.
    George S. Patton

  14. Nan:
    Proud to say at my din vecheshbon that I protested when a Jew was thrown out of a shul. What will you say?
    Connect the dots, Nan.
    A Jew who helps protect other Jews gets insuklted and shamed in public as he attempts to daven on Sunday, and on Monday there are 4 stabbing attacks… Not for nothing, Nan.
    Shame on you for implicitly endorsing this horror.
    And no, I won’t call them crazy. I’ll call out the rabbis who haven’t yet asked mechila from this IDF 2 weeks before Rosh Hashana.

  15. #13,
    This isn’t the first time it happened, so don’t use lack of video knowledge as an excuse.
    And shkoyach for letting us know that your big Rosh Yeshiva called them idiots.
    That’s it? Idiots?
    I don’t understand some of you.
    A Jewish man came to shul, was publicly humiliated and thrown out. Malbe Ponov Berabim ein lo chelek leolam habah.
    And some of you make excuses?

  16. To those who criticize our comments and sugar coat this terrorist act:

    This IDF soldier was insulted and shamed berabim… Now it’s viral and even more berabim…
    It’s shfichas domim..
    Ziknei H’air would do an Egla Arufah years ago and proclaim: Yodeinu Lo Shofchu es Hadam Hazeh…
    The ziknei today are the leaders and rabbis… The least a rabbi can do is to condemn this barbarity in public.
    Are we asking for a lot?
    I can’t believe the excuses.

  17. Don’t shove “crazy” down our throats. These goons were inspired by some pretty higher ups.
    It didn’t happen by osmosis. Dayin lachkimah bermizah.

  18. “#12 Why don’t you just daven at Young Israel or half the shuls in Queens”
    CelloPlayer – This is exactly what I mean when you are just as bad. Is your shul too holy to take 2 minutes to make a mi sheberach for the tzahal? Why should anyone need to find a shul that does it? I didnt ask you to make a bracha for the medina, I get it. But there is NO EXCUSE not to make one for the soldiers.

  19. 22 – You’re right, they should daven for the soldiers. But they don’t and it is their choice. Just like it is your choice to find a shul to your liking.

  20. ZionGate – You sound like you know a lot but you seem to have forgotten about Lashon Hara. By condemning all Rabbis, you are doing just that.
    Lack of video knowledge can be used here because I am sure that a lot of Rabbis don’t watch these videos or go on Yeshiva world. At least the Rabbis that you want to speak out.
    Why are you calling Nan out? You say not to use excuses but then you use excuses when you say that because of this you won’t listen to teshuva shiurim. You sound like a teenager who is upset with the world.
    And you’re speaking for the Jewish people? Why don’t you go do something about it instead of writing hate filled comments on YWN?

  21. Get what? You want it your way or no way and are unwilling to compromise at all. You fit with the IDF mentality, if someone does a wrong to you, you bunch them all in a group and go punish them. The IDF punishes terrorists families and you punish Rabbis who have absolutely nothing to do with this.

  22. I obviously never meant for anyone to excuse doing Averos or Disrespecting specific rabbanim when I said rabbis should clarify the proper way we should see this. As people say perhaps they do not see videos or are mislead by certain “askanim” in their inner circle about some matters? And of course not all rabbis are in the same grouping.

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