WATCH: Screaming ‘Shabbos’ At Passing Vehicles In Ashdod

The following is a translation of a portion of the explanation that accompanies this YouTube video. It is self-explanatory.

“Shabbes Today shouts at vehicles driving on Friday night in the ghetto of the Ashdod chareidi cult. The video was filmed last Shabbos, on the day the chareidi cult that dominates the country, on Shabbos. There will not be any more mixed beaches, forget about it. All the beaches will be separate. Only one who was chareidi in the past knows how they are 1,000 times more dangerous than ISIS. Wake Up!! ‘Shiksa on the marpeset’ is a group of 4,000 former chareidim, graduates of Yeshivas Ponevezh and others…we are placing atom bombs on the chareidi sect…(not suitable for this forum)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The number of misfits in this vile organization of provocateurs and liars is closer to 4 than to 4000. Their purpose in life is to self-justify their surrender to the yetzer hora by casting Jews who have remained frum in as negative a light as possible.

    It is understandable that the secular Israeli press, which has a similar objective (and similar disregard for truth) picks up on this kind of slander and publishes it as a “news story”. It is less understandable that supposedly frum news sources do the same.

  2. I’m not sure we need to be shown news of an apparently Jewish photographer filming someone with the intent of degrading Shabbos observance (irrespective if the individuals behaviour was appropriate).

  3. If these nutcases believe that screaming invectives at drivers will bring even one yid closer to yiddeshkeit and discourage them from being mechallel Shabbos they are truly even more dangerous then would otherwise appear. As long as they don’t cause an accident or vandalize cars, they are free to engage in whatever bizarre behavior they wish.

  4. besides for the obvious disgust for the person who made this group, for himI give a bracha one day he should become a baal tshuva and can never be able to comprehend what he did here, but the actual guy in the street is himself being mechalel shabbos by causing the people driving to stop.

  5. It’s very sad to see the reactions of ex-chareidim who left the path of our holy ancestors
    They have bechiro to do what they like
    But this organisation is meisis umeidiach and tries to entice boys and girls to follow them
    In the states there is a similar organisation called footsteps
    While it is true that there are certain activities within the chareidi community that are wrong, and I think that this video depicts one who is unfortunately mentally imbalanced, this does in no way prove that our religion is wrong
    Berias ho’oilom, toiroh min hashomayim and Sechar veoinesh are facts that don’t get undermined by loshon horoh’lech like those that are brought up by these organisations
    Our emunoh is based on strong foundations
    I don’t really understand the point of this publishing this piece in yeshiva world

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