WATCH: Joe Biden Points to Man at Hillary Rally Holding Nuclear Codes

4 Responses

  1. Let’s go back 8 years and hear what Obama has to say on Clinton:
    I just have to remind people of her track record, Senator Clinton is the same person who has taken more money from lobbyists than any other candidate, Democratic or Republican…..taken more money from insurance companies and drug companies….and she says I’m out of touch?

    Senator Hillary Clinton has taken over $800,000 from lobbyists, more money than any other candidate — Republican or Democrat.

    This is the same person who took money from financial folks on Wall Street and then voted for a bankruptcy bill that makes it harder for folks right here in Pennsylvania to get a fair shake. Who do you think is out of touch?

    This is the same person who spent a decade with her husband campaigning for NAFTA, and now goes around saying she’s opposed to NAFTA.

    This is the same person who says she’s voting for the Colombia trade deal. Turns out that her top adviser, her top strategist was working for the Colombian government to get the bill passed!


    Let’s remind everyone of Clinton’s body count, those who met their death and appeared to have some connection to Clinton.

    After all this, could you imagine Hillary who has strong ties with the Islamic world and was the chief architect behind the coup in Turkey holding the nuclear codes?

  2. I will vote for the Libertarian party candidates rather than Clinton or the totally unqualified Trump. By the way, Biden just looked to the back of the room swarming with Secret Service agents and didn’t point out any one individual.

  3. If this moron and his child boss can be entrusted with nuclear codes, then anybody is more qualified for the job. You think the world would be safer if Hilarity has her shaking finger on the red button, while she is the state of seizure, bobbing her head uncontrollably?

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