WATCH: 5 Pair Of Tefillin Recovered From Trash After Being Accidentally Thrown Out In Upstate Summer Camp

5 Responses

  1. Accident????? I am a tutor and often learn with children in yeshiva after school. I personally saw on 2 two different occasions in two different yeshivos the janitor sweep everything that was on the floor including text books and dump it into the garbage can. The first time I was able to salvage the books. In a yeshiva I taught rebbeim were missing bulletin board materials that fell off the board, although it was obvious it wasn’t garbage the janitor couldn’t care less and threw it out.

  2. B’H they were found! In this time! During the Three Weeks when HKBH is testing Klal Yisrael, these incidents may occur. It’s up to us to keep Sinas Chinam to a minimum.

    IYH, this should be our last Tisha B’av in the Golus.

  3. It was my sons tifelin (listen to clip) It was no accident, the janitor deliberately thru them out.
    After 1 1/2 days searching and seeing the janitor going to do it again the raced after the garbage truck and in the nick of time found them. Hats off to Wispering Woods for offering to pick up cost of all damages.

    ps caption should be changed

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