Trump Defends Comments That Obama Was ‘Founder Of ISIS’

obtrDonald Trump is defending his decision to label President Barack Obama the “founder” of the Islamic State group.

Asked in an interview with CNBC Thursday whether it was appropriate for him to call the sitting president of the United States the founder of a terrorist organization that wants to kill Americans, Trump doubled down on his accusation.

“He was the founder of ISIS, absolutely,” says Trump, blaming the president for his decision to withdraw troops, which some argue created a power vacuum in which extremist groups like IS thrive.

Trump says the U.S. “should have never gotten in” the war, but also shouldn’t “have got out the way he got out.”


9 Responses

  1. hes 100% right about how we got out and caused the formation of isis. calling him the founder of isis is a little much though

  2. Hes not defending his comments as the liberal media is trying to argue, hes 100% right we all agree Obama and Hillary are at blame!

  3. 8 years of Obama ruining everything he touches and these liberal democrats are still blaming Bush! What else is news? Absolutely Obama is the worst president ever!! We tend to forget very quickly all the radical stuff and stupid decisions from Obama

  4. ISIS originated during the Bush years following the Bush invasion. We’ve seen time and time again that Trump creates facts to rouse his audience.
    When we hear his remarks, you cant blame the media, you can only blame the man who’s mouth the words come from. Unlike Billam’s donkey the words are not placed in Trump’s mouth, but are his own.

  5. #6:
    Billam’s donkey ( no, not the lying Democrat one) and Trump are both speaking the truth.
    ISIS is a breakaway from Al-Queida, an organization that existed during the Clinton presidency as you surely know.
    Bush’s overthrow of Saddam may have emboldened ISIS, but they had no major impact in Iraq ,but began to evolve and strengthen in SYRIA/Levant and Syria, not Iraq, became its headquarters. Having gotten their hands on massive arms that Obama sent to the other rebels, they now invaded Iraq, which was emptied of US troops despite pleas from the Iraqi PM not to withdraw them, at least for a while. ISIS then seized oil stations and major cities in Iraq.
    Obama created ISIS as is, (pun intended) at the moment, with all its strength and firepower and terror.
    Yet this hater of our country in the White House, along with Lying Hellery, refuse to say “radical Islam.”
    So Trump and Bilam’s donkey are correct.

  6. David Alexrod said something I’ve been saying nearly from the beginning of Trump’s campaign, that if he were deliberately trying to lose the election he wouldn’t doing it any differently. Many top republicans agree with this (though they don’t want to admit it publicly for the sake of damage control) and are deserting/distancing themselves from him in increasing numbers in order to salvage as much as they can for the rest of the party.

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