WATCH: Trump Says Four More Years Of Obama Economics Would Be Disaster

GOP nominee responds on ‘Hannity’ to prominent Republicans who have said they will not support him.

2 Responses

  1. All previous Presidential candidates have had near unanimous support from elected office holders of their own party. That is why the defections make news. There are angry people supporting Trump, but it appears that he has alienated women, veterans, Hispanics, and Blacks and has no hope of winning in November. Getting 100% of the Fox News Hannity fans to vote for him will not lead to victory.

    There are now 2 other former Republicans seeking the White House on different party lines because of Donald Trump that are alternatives for all who don’t want Clinton..

  2. The problem is that if Clinton wins it will be another 8 years of Obama economics not 4. Which will be a disaster. I doubt she knows what GDP is.

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