WATCH: Gingrich Says Long Tradition Of Dem Machines Stealing Elections

12 Responses

  1. He is being very unfair. My ancestors almost always voted as Democrats, and why should they be disenfranchised merely because of death? The Democrats are the only party that stands up for the voting rights of the dearly departed.

  2. akuperma hows your health n finances thanks do idiotic hews like u who voted democrat obamacare us a disgrace n way too expensive also obama made the world less safe with his anti police rhetoric

  3. I have two words to say to Mr. I’m an adulterer on my third marriage Gingrich:

    Jeb Bush
    Florida Governor who stole the 2000 Presidential election for his big brother GW…Weapons of Mass Destruction Bush

  4. and one should remember that in voting registration campaigns, people such as Mickey Mouse and Mister Spock (who is an ALIEN) end up voting. With voter ID, these characters would be disenfrachised! The Republicans want to strip voting priviliges from some of the best known personages in in our culture merely due to their fictitiousness

  5. Cool Mike…..

    I thank Hashem every day for the Affordable Care Act.

    Many in the coffee room know that Mrs. CTLawyer recently had a hospital stay of more than a month with many surgeries and weeks on life support in the ICU.

    Prior to what you call Obamacare our health policy had a $1 million yearly coverage cap. The ACA did away with all caps. The bill for the hospital stay was more than 1.5 Million dollars. Not many of us could handle a $500,000 out of pocket hospital expense. Thanks to this change for all Americans that is part of Obamacare it was all covered.

    Your post is illiterate and shows you probably have never read the Affordable Care Act and merely parrot conservative rhetoric. You are truly clueless.

    BTW…our monthly premium for the same policy with the limit gone and our children eligible until age 26 costs us $600 less than before Obamacare.

  6. Ctlawyer,

    Can you imagine what would’ve happened if al (I invented the Internet, global warming is worse than terrorism) gore would’ve been president during 9/11

    He would’ve went against planes, not terrorists

  7. I beleive its true ….I cant understand any other way how obama won …only by faulse elections and I promise thats on his mind now too…….

  8. bh jews lie about income cant wait to the fbi probes u like they did in monsey also just cause they save one person doesnt matter more ppl got skrewed up i have speaking to many hewish orginizations n they said obamacare is terrible for middle class but all of u lie about income

  9. also i knw many ppl in billing for healthcare n they said it is worse none cares if ur wife needed help most people pl cant make ends meet now so keep askig for free stuff

  10. coolmike…………….
    Who’s asking for anything free? I’m not on Medicaid. I BUY my Health Care Insurance through my state exchange because I’m self employed and PAY the premium myself every month.
    I paid my premium for health insurance for the past 40- years because I never worked for someone else who provided that benefit.

    Until 3 years ago, I paid $1500 per month and coverage topped out at $1 million. Now from the same carrier with the same co-pays I pay $900 per month and there is no cap (per law). This a $1.5 million hospital bill was paid in full. Yesterday, MrsCTL had outpatient surgery (her 5th this year) our co-pay $100. Before ACA the entire $20,000 bill would have been ours to pay, as we have exceeded the million dollar annual cap.
    We still have a 19 year old in college. Until age 26 that child will remain on our policy…that’s also ACA.

  11. ctlawyer it seems you didnt make enough money as a lawyer but noone rlly cares about your sob story most ppl in America got hurt by obamacare do actuall research premiums are going up n look at sticknthemud twitter for all the companies that got ruined

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