WATCH: Trump Ramps Up ‘Anti-Clinton’ Rhetoric

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  1. There is a serious problem here, and it is the media. Having viewed multiple speeches by both candidates, I have yet to find a single one in which Hillary presents policy. Not a single one! All she does is the typical, boring campaign promise thing, and inserts the issue of the day into the blank at the end of the sentence. What is conspicuously missing is an identification of just what the problem is. When she spouts the race relations stuff, she cannot honestly tell us about how blacks are being victimized by discrimination, because no one believes it. But we are all painfully aware of the racial divide that ballooned under Obama and the black racists he hired. When she talks about jobs, she has yet to tell us what the problem really is, so she cannot tell us how she plans to solve it. So it’s just the pediatric rah rah rah stuff, and oilem goilem will applaud and support. At least Trump has been more informative, and told us clearly where the economy is, and how he will fix it. Granted, he is not telling us much, and uses his mouthpiece to call Hillary names (she deserves them, but it is childish). He needs to be more presidential, and present himself and his agenda. We already know hers, and it is frankly scary.

    A little maturity will do Trump a great deal. A little more exposure of the Clintons will do the world a lot of good.

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