WATCH:: Black Jews In Nigeria, Shacharit Morning Prayers

As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu continues his historic state visit to Africa, meeting with leaders and high-ranking officials of a number of nations, we provide this video of black Jews in Nigeria during shachris.

13 Responses

  1. OY! can we learn from this. PUT AWAY YOUR STUPID CELL PHONES IN SHUL . Look how the paray with such sincerity devotion and love for HKBH

  2. Yes! They’re even using Artscroll Siddurim! So when the Artscroll people claim they’ve sold over a million copies of their Siddurim sights like this help it be comprehended.

  3. #1 you read my mind…

    I had such a great feeling of this.. This is how we Yidden should be looking like. Pure loving servants to Hashem. We let the outside western culture overtake us as if they have something to offer.

  4. Interesting. I didnt see a video titled “watch white yidden learning in camp morris”. Is their skin color relevant?

  5. “jewish” as much as the guys on the subways who claim to be as well and tell us to find “salvation” in yoshka.

  6. There are no historic records of Jews in Nigeria before the Brits conquered the place (unlike Ethiopia whose community was always in contact with Jews elsewhere, primarily in Yemen and Egypt). Are these converts? Are they Christians who read the Bible and decided we are right and chose to emulate Jewish ways, but haven’t converted according to halacha? Some background would be interesting.

  7. We can certainly take an example of the way they daven but how can they be Jewish unless they all converted. They look like benei chom to me. Also I see no tzitzes and men and ladies together so they’re certainly not “heimish”!

  8. A shame Carlecach didn’t meet these guys – would’ve made a great story and kumzits! “Our holy black brothers and sisters… sweetest of the sweet…..”

  9. Be careful to always give people the benefit of doubt. Especially if you are told that they are Jews.

    The headline and title of the youtube video might not have been written by these people and might be incorrect. Perhaps it was not Shachris, but MINCHA, which is why they are not wearing tefillin. The bright sunlight and direct shade in the tent underneath it supports my theory that it was midday, not morning.

    The women are in a separate section, not intermingled with the men. True, I don’t see a mechitza, but it is hardly “men and ladies together” as alleged by a comment.

    So maybe they are not Jewish, and maybe this isn’t in Nigeria. Or it is Nigerian scam. But maybe not…

    They certainly daven nicely! That we can surely learn a lesson from!!!

    This reminds me of the joke about the Chinese restaurant where the waiters spoke perfect Yiddish…

    I’ll let someone else finish the joke.

  10. They are dovening with such feeling.

    Probably, like someone said, it is mincha and not shacharis. If it is shacharis, maybe someone should donate some talisim and tfilin, and teach them how to use them., and some siddurim, because not everyone has one. Maybe they are very poor.

    Anyway, it’s a beautiful video.

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